Flying Mile High Chapter 16 Part 2

A first class passenger committed suicide in the lavatory, leaving him with more paperwork to write up. the chief flight attendant had decided with bob that all other flight crew may exit the plane while the two of them dealt with the authorities.


Survival of the Fittest: Overthrowing the Queen (PART 2)

I went to the bathroom and pissed away the jager-bomb which had made me need the lavatory immensely. i walked back and ordered another jager-bomb. i closed my eyes and chugged the second drink and when i opened my eyes i saw him.

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The Metamorph planet Pt1

I noticed that there were few people metamorphing in the public areas, although several creatures went to the lavatories and came out as something different.

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The Raging Hounds IX: The Gentle Giant

I've told you all a thousand times that there will be no fucking in the lavatories!"

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Authors - Ch 10 The Lusty Argonian Maid

We have only one lavatory so... well... i've peeked on occasion. for purely research reasons of course!" "of course," quill laughed. "so what they say is true then?" "oh, it's true enough," crassius nodded. "i've seen them up-close."

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The smell didn't agree with the ordinary stench of public lavatory, because it was ours: it was the olfactory confirmation of our occured union.

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Escape To The Planet Of My People

The three eyed legless salamander slithered into the lavatory, heart beginning to pound and mind slowly fogging. "it seems like every year the gap continues getting smaller." he laid on his back against the ground moaning lowly.

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Getting Better

The small room is humble in size and décor with not much more than a bed, bedside table, a chair and a tiny room for the lavatory.

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Murderer #3

A private lavatory, she saw. it was clean. cleaner than any such place in a tavern had a right to be. then she saw herself in the mirror. but the image looking back at her wasn't hers. it was that other khajiit. katia. and then it changed.

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The Flatulent Vixen

Her own private lavatory._ _with that, she closed her eyes, and spread her buttcheeks_ _and released a long stench that'd plague a stall for weeks._ _she inhaled her odor.

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Authors - Ch 5 The Tiber Septim Hotel

"lavatory? bathroom?" "oh! the piss-holes." all three laughed at that and quill began to feel a little light headed, but took another drink. "hey, any of you feel like dancing with a lizard tonight? or do you think we'd offend people here.

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He may also have rested his eyes on the receding tail and thighs as they turned and walked towards the end of the bar and the lavatory beyond.

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