Chewy: Leon's dream pt 1

\*Ding Ding, the bell rung\* "It's time to go already...," I thought to myself, "I better get up, and move." Every day the school bells at 5:45am, and like every day, I have to rush to school, which I do not really care for. "Morning Chewy... Good...

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Chewy: Leon's dream pt.2

I am very happy with going to my dad's workplace, because I love alchemy, which is the only reason I have an interest in my dad. Doing the day, he is always working, finding new cures for diseases. I arrived to 2938 Lion's Gate Rd where I met my dad's...

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Chewy: Leon's dream pt.4

Above Dracula's throne chair, was a body of another Gama wolf, "Richter, don't worry, we're coming," Samuel charged to Dracula; however, the skeleton with the scythe did not allow him path to him, striking Samuel with his scythe, "Your brother is...

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Chewy: Leon's Dream Pt.3

Both Chewy and I held our ground seeming that we would be trapped into the final sky; however, when we both opened our eyes, we were safe from death by a smirch. "It stopped...," Chewy, said in amazement, "It seems that either time was canceled or it...

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Chewy: Leon's Dream (Prologue)

Do you know that feeling of dreams? The power of a dream can overcome everything that is doubt and impossibility. When I look into the destiny of others and myself I feel the determination, they are willing to put forth... My name is Chewy Halris and I...


The heart's lust

I spread my legs as a far as they could, "I'm ready Wolfie." I said as he entered his cock into me, "You are tighter than yesterday," He said growling. Whenever he growled I knew that he was upset with something, "Hey Wolf, are you okay?" I pounded me...

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The blood rape (Poem)

The Depression of being used has consumed me the depression of hurting other drinks my pleasure No on here to see my failures no one here to see my banes I fall deeper into rage as he spread his legs I stick myself into him, so warm, so...

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The heart's lust

I spread my legs as a far as they could, "I'm ready Wolfie." I said as he entered his cock into me, "You are tighter than yesterday," He said growling. Whenever he growled I knew that he was upset with something, "Hey Wolf, are you okay?" I pounded me...

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Blind Romance: The Revolution of Love and Sound (Preview)

There once told of a story of a child, a mystical child left in the mountains to die of a horrid fate; this, this horrid fate was only the first of his trials that he must face. As his father, Lucas, grand elder and commander of the Wolfsbane cried...

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A One Time Winter

It's a cold winter December and Jacob's mom and dad is coming back, so he was attempting to make his world famous egg nog surprise for their return. While I was fixing the nog I hear a knock at the door; I was a bit depressed to think it was mother and...

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To_Tame_A_Wolf Chapter 3 1/2: Migraine's Recoil

The last place we left our hero, he was getting driven away with a boy name Christian Zeus; however, after being tamed by this mysterious creature, he made away with Kambran. Leonid comes back to the barn shack after hours of hunting and gathering....

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To_Tame_A_Wolf Chapter 3: Bloody Migraine

The last place we left our hero, he found out the grueling pain of the Cum glyph as he moves to the Marcus bridge with the King of Judmas' son Leonid. The pace that the two walked were both unbalanced, drunken from their experiences throughout their...

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