Not So Retired Any More IX

#9 of not so retired any more things get dark in this chapter. be warned, there is all sorts of nastiness to come.

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Not So Retired Any More VIII

#8 of not so retired any more hey guys, thanks for reading! sadly, no sex in this one, but i'm tentatively pleased with how it turned out. i'd love to get more critique and comments :) they're like fuel for the creativity engine.

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Not So Retired Any More VII

#7 of not so retired any more this chapter is...well, you'll see! note: violence ahead. if you decide to keep reading, don't blame me for your anguish.

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Not So Retired Any More VI

#6 of not so retired any more comments welcome, sorry for the shorter chapter.

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Not So Retired Any More V

#5 of not so retired any more okay, partial chapter for today - things got busy, sorry. no porn in this one, but be warned of incoming violence. also sweltering, crappy brazilian summer weather. critique is very welcome.

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Not So Retired Any More IV

#4 of not so retired any more okay, new chapter. let me know how the character-building looks :) taking your advice and trying to flesh out the main characters one at a time to make them both more likable and their trauma more understandable.

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Not So Retired Any More III

#3 of not so retired any more okay, making good time on bringing out new chapters. this one's got some man on man loving, some plot deepening, and so on. please let me know what you think!

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Not So Retired Any More II

#2 of not so retired any more okay here comes chapter 2 critique is very welcome. also: adult story! ye be warned! dead furs tell no tales (except in csi: furry)!

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Not So Retired Any More I

#1 of not so retired any more hi everyone. this is my first story posted on sofurry. i hope you like it! with any luck, more chapters will be forthcoming. the characters in these stories are, of course, purely fictional.

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Never Retired at the Bar (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The coyote shuffled towards the bar with an expression of anxiety, the drab waiter's apron stained with more spilled drinks and dropped sauces than could be seen in the pale night's glow. "Hey, Chere, there's some drifter out front." The old dragon...

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The Tales of Horace: The Retired Porn Star

Have you ever wanted to rule a neighborhood without anyone outside of it ever truly knowing? Did you ever want to have that level of control that no one could challenge with a whole heart? If you answered yes to either of these-or no like a complete...

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So Long, Farewell, Adieu... - 1, The Appointment

I want to retire to somewhere warm and sunny with a private beach and i know what the firm's usual view on retiring hitmen is.

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