Chapter 2: A Wolf in Gucci Shoes

._ **disclaimer** : this story is based _mostly_ on the authors over-sexed imagination, (but partly on a couple of events in the authors rl) said author making no claims to logic, reality or any sense of normalcy.

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Escape From The Cage - Sample Story

This is a sample story as suggested by my rl brother. he is younger than me but not a furry. he wanted me to to do a "resident evil" style scene and use a large apartment building as the setting this is the final result.

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SPeckle and Big Hairy Stallion 69

"i'd love to get together again rl. i know i live 5 hours away, but we could meet somewhere half-way maybe?" joel asked. speckle pondered the idea.

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The Werewolf Next Door / Chapter One

rl has swept me away and kept me occupied. this story is actually derived from a long running rp i've been doing with chrisj.

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Anum Chaos © – The Legend History 2004/5 – 2008

- before someone ask, as an "edit": in july 05, i meet my great love (in rl!), maria groß, which i lost a year later (july 06) by a car accident. she dies in the hospital in which i (and she) wake up after the accident.

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An Advanced Reality, Ch.2

By the way, i forgot to tell you that if your muscles grow in the virtnet, then your muscles grow in rl too.** **roll the film!

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In Henrietta

And, since my leera character bas been updated to reflect my rl snake pet ssevarine, i figured it was worth a shot! it was! and this is what came of it!

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Izer's Life 6: Army Slave Part 3

Its probably not what you were probably expecting, especially since i took so long to release it. i have had allot happen to me rl which has delayed this conciderably. i will get the next few chapters released asap.

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Puddle's Camping mis-Adventure

I know the winner of my vote contest was zygote studies but i have been undermodivated and busy with rl for some time so this little 4 page story will just have to hold you over.

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Tribal Legends 1 - The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi

**_in this story, i will include the rl environment of the telling of the story, to give the impression of my listening to it - in the other stories, i won't interrupt._** _as i did every other day, i went to the railway station to go to my university.

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A previous verson of my story idea, please not this is a beta version of my story line written long ago

"b lix my gi rl ple ase be strong," her mother once a beautiful actress zertra, broadway star and up comming hollywood star,voice of a angel yet can get as loud as a demon, rendered down to nothing but a whisper,"my 


Finding Jastin

This story is based on rl events. enjoy "so jastin what are you doing after school?" a sixteen year old fox/panther hybrid asked looking at the red husky beside him. "i don't really have any plans. why do you ask?"

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