Big-Headed Bombjackal
I'm going to need a much larger cock to take advantage of your freakishly swollen head." grant reaches down and gropes his package, infusing it with a black, magic aura. as he gropes his hard dick and balls grow exponentially.
Dong of the Dragon
The next sensation of change, pulling against his cock, made him shudder out loud, as though his member was sinking within him.
Donkey Dong
As the cock penetrated her ass. deep down she wanted to move, but her body enjoyed the cock head in her too much. her very ass had transformed to accommodate the huge cock that penetrated her rear.
Ding Dong
Ding dong.... ding dong.... ... diiiiiiiiing dong.... "hey, are you going to get that?" the blue haired kangaroo peered into the room. "huh?" the younger sister kangaroo said as she pulled off her headphones. ding dong! "oh, that's sam!
The Awakening of May - Chapter 3
The soft, jelly-dong shaped like a dog's cock bobbed and swayed as she fumbled her legs into her fursuit. while intoxicated, it took a little time to thread the soft dildo through the sheath on the front of the suit.
I whip my dick back and forth i whip my hair back and forth paradoy
I whip my dick back and forth i whip my dick back and forth (just whip it) i whip my dick back and forth i whip my dick back and forth (i have a boner) i whip my dick back and forth.i whip my dick back and forth.i whip dick back and forth.i whip
Ring a Ding Dong
His cock pressed painfully into the ceiling, the giant member bigger around than he was tall, and still trying to get bigger.
Donkey Dong Delights
You are the cock body belonging to pete, for your lurid information, your penis body can extend to being twenty-three inches in length, four inches in girth at the end face of the cock body.
18 Inches, 20 Minutes
Two toys were inside, the first took out was an 8" dong shaped like a dragon's cock, beautifully painted a nice skin pink with much detail to it.
In The Shower
Best of all, he could see the horse's sheath, cock already spilling out with arousal. the stallion was stupendously hung, and for a moment eric wondered if he'd bitten off than he could chew. "is this stall occupied?"
Ding-Dong Pt. 1
. ^^ ding-dong ding-dong dong...dong...dong...dong...dong...dong...dong jasper sprung up in bed fear ebbing from his blue rabbit eyes. his soft brown fur matted from a cold sweat.
I Am Draagon BloodBlade
His cock and knot swelled a bit as his cock was milked by my tight cunt, his knot holding his seed in me. then, we fell asleep. when i awoke, he was still in me, his cock semi-erect and shrinking in size.