Regret Chapter 15

I don't want to think about you two not getting enough of each other - i'm going to barf-a-roni because the taste of bile is ten times better than thinking about you guys bangin'. so! it's time to go to work!

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Worst First Date Ever

"which is when i got the idea for this place." continued orion "me and roni had always talked about owning our own restaurant, but the staff and supplies and property all together was always out of reach.

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Just Chillin' / Warming Up

Paul smiled, holding up a can of beefy-noodle-roni. "you got fat, salt, and meat... that's three of the four food groups right there." tanner smiled, "now we just need sugar and we'll have a balanced meal."

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Roger's Payback

rony?" legoshi said, and roger tensed even more, his eye twitching as the vein just above it bulged. "roger." the kangaroo said, looking at the wolf. "oh, right! roger." legoshi said, finally having remembered the name.

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