Terramagica - 08 - The Collar and the Crown

Ori's jaw dropped open as he saw something familiar in the eyes; a sapience, an urgency. ori crouched down, looking at the beast more closely.

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[Comm] Krystal's Amorous Adventure

Ai were capable of a wide range of emotions, especially if sapience had been achieved... but lust was never one of them. after all, why would a being that can't reproduce sexually need to develop, or be programmed with, arousal. "um, hello.

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The Forest of Giants: Alraune's Garden

Alraune's garden follows the wandering of zin, a butterfly given hominid form and sapience by the forest's blessing, whose sweet tooth gets him into a sticky situation with an amorous plant girl.

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Viviana Backstory

An infomorph with access to the ar network, she had special instructions concerning them, she addressed the artificial sapience mentally with her mesh inserts.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.2 - Darkest Before The Dawn

In our development of our moguera models, we were establishing a new prototype ai that was capable of full sapience to the level of creatures.

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Dancing with Fire

They're all living in a village without an education system, in a pmd world with 'grimdark' tones, food is never scarce, carnivores exist in abundance, and every character is a bestial animal just barely above sapience, so everyone is expected to pop out eggs

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Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale

"oh yeah gertrude sang it all the time when we first gained sapience." heracles nodded. "it's... really just a song for little baby mice..." gertrude insisted. "but..." she took a deep breath.

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Mira 2 (headfirst and buttfirst vore, smut)

That term usually meant an animal raised to sapience but the falan already had that. what they didn't have was a body built to use technology well and they still didn't.

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Taken In

That doesn't really say much about his sapience. "umm... do you think you can let me out? please...?" silence. you try to adjust your position, but the walls cradle you tightly.

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Ennui Go

Hallucinations can give you visions; delusions make you give up your sapience." the cougar leaned back in his chair, considering calmly, which was quite the opposite of what he felt perhaps fifteen minutes ago. "you have a strong sense of self, hank.

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Living up to the legends

The girls mindlessly squeak out, now like their near-comatose sister elsewhere in the same room, are being pounded into a mindless stupor, losing all strength and respective sapiency in their consciousness that may have been lingering on.

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Living up to the legends - Part 1

The girls mindlessly squeak out, now like their near-comatose sister elsewhere in the same room, are being pounded into a mindless stupor, losing all strength and respective sapiency in their consciousness that may have been lingering on.

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