Trial of Tomb Stealer

He felt like punching a tofu. she saw the fist coming but it was too fast for her to avoid or block. before the fist even connected her stomach, she felt the wind pressure. there was a loud noise and then it was like someone squeezed her bladder.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 9

Well i have to go, before my tofu burns!" that was the last thing heard before the screen went blank. the two retrieve their pokemon from nurse joy and andrew asks about sap village. "do you know how to reach sap village from here?"

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- No More Regret

One day, i might want to try and slip in a scene where shanon is caught enjoying udon with tofu, or something. for now, i'll stick to fleshing out the stinker in my own way. i split this one up, and the actual invasion will begin in my next piece.

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His Mother's Friend

Though, perhaps, 'maturing' wasn't really the word, because for the most part he was still all colt, all sharp edges and long legs, no concerns in the world other than tofu nuggets and making sure she hadn't snuck broccoli into his food, playing with legos

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Chapter 4: A Breakfast Gathering

Herbs like louis on the other hand will enjoy toasted tofu, and a smoothie bowl with watermelon, strawberries, and bananas, blended together and topped off with apple slices, mint leaves, and cucumbers."

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A hitman's tears (Part 1)

Thirty million dollars, which would keep me in tofu for a very long time. hell, i might even be able to open up that bookstore i kept dreaming about.

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Origin of the FinalGamer 1 - Collision With Fate

So the quick solution came from soya and tofu-based foods which many at first were resistant to, but they had to do it the linda mccartney way. make it taste just like meat.

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Luna and Thief (Ch 1)

The scent of steamed rice and tofu along with fresh fruits and some salted and cooked salmon.

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Zootopia AU :: Warmth ::

Wolfard's tofu burger and fries, both of which they normally ordered. "thank you, jill!" wolfard smiled at their waitress, watching her turn, and wander off after bringing them their meals.

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The Shift

Oz opened his mouth and the thick yellow spray came out, loaded down with the chunks of corn and tofu from dinner. oz stumbled and fell onto his knees, sending the flood out with a retching sound as he sprayed down his carpet.

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Sleep Fucking

"alright, just don't take too long, or i'll be making tofu sausage!" the mother said making edward groaned. 'i hate tofu!' he thought to himself as he was cleaning the mess up and wincing at the soreness of his butt, rubbing it a little to ease it.

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Facility- Chapter 3

It seems like the squares are things that are like actual food but not, possibly flavored tofu for all that i can tell. the goopy things are actually more things to add flavor to the bland food squares.

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