Section 8

As for the bad news luna there is pretty much the female form of yourself, zero." sierra said. "i see so how do we go about telling luna the news? you know for a fact she's not gonna like hearing that kind of news.

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 1

"well, i've got good news and bad news. which do you want first?" "does it matter at this point? just give either to me!"

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter9

So, you want the good news or the bad news?"_ **_~oh boy.. alright, lets start with the bad news.~_** _"well. bad news is, there was practically nothing of interest on those papers you filched.

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Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

#1 of age of innocence ok, i've got good news and bad news. the bad news is, i'll be working on winter break privately from now on; i won't be posting any more chapters.

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Sage's Story: Part 2, Spiritual encounter

"i have good news and bad news" she said. "the good news is, your left hand will be fine in a few hours.

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Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!

That was the first bad news, the other bad news is that he doesn't have any moves that can make him get away from her, even worse, his cries of help were muffled by the antennae.

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MACHINE {Spanking}

I'll start with the bad news, since you'll want to hear the good news last. the bad news is that you're no longer employed! the good news is that vip-mc headquarters has graciously accepted your application for employment.

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Red's Tales: The Lost Child PT1

"bad news," he said. "storms," red asked. geoffrey nodded. "yeah, high winds and increased lightning strikes." "i got bad news too," red said. the sheriff frowned, "what?" red twitched her ears. "i can smell blood.

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The Sole Detention Center

"i have good news and bad news, dearie." "mmm?" he groaned. "the good news is, you've served your time for your first offense." "mmm..." "the bad news is, we've found more charges." "...nnngh?"

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odd mates part 5

So the good news,was hid dad was alive,but the bad news. he was badly hurt,from the amount of blood soaked snow around his father. garth let out tears,seeing his father badly injured body. he never wanted to see his dad like this at all.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.7 - A Close Call)

But unforchantly there's always the bad news after the good news or vice versa. "but due to the lack of blood the treecko lost, he won't be waking up until around the middle of the day, so he should rest.

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MF-Ep13-The Fourth Adventure-

#13 of the monster fighters the good news is that the team got a new member, but the bad news is that tucker is still sick. one week later after dominique had joined something shocking had happened.

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