Meeting Red

I glanced around and noticed the beach was oddly empty, then i looked back to the kind blue eyes of the fox. "sure why not." i muttered then quickly i closed my eyes, for i feared that i would get lost in his wonderful blue eyes.

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The Dark Cell: I Am All Alone

The blue-eyed beast was roaring in so much pleasure he was unable to move, he needed help before he came.   the feline i trusted, was the one who came to help.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Two

Regardless, he was fixed on those blue eyes. he read no malice in them, no threat; only softness and concern. the gaze reminded yukiomaru of jun.

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Pleasant Pain

Gamesh looked hard inhaling in her bright blue eyes. along with her intense eye contact also met him her beguiling scent. his body reacted immediately to this effect.

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The Pride - Character Bios.

Slim, adolescent body but quite strong, blue eyes, full face. birthplace: the high reach. father: unknown mother: rayyan general info: nathari is the youngest of many cubs.

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Chapter One

I peered into the shadows, meeting the gaze of two ice blue eyes. the wolf from my dreams.

Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 30

I said to her nala let out an angry growl,as she moved her paw .to make me look into her blue eyes, but i tired to look away . " look at me stuart, i said look at me." nala yelled moving my head up, forcing me to look at her.

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Maloo the ECF in Buttermilk Cream Vanilla Bean

The blue-eyed cow girl crooned, spooning another muzzleful of rich, delicious ice cream between the groaning cougartaur's lips.

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Coffee Time!

The fox approached the table, which the blue eyes owner was sitting at. and the one, who had red eyes and foxy fur took the cup and signed. "aw, it's already empty?

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Chocolate Chip Cookies

As he raised his clawed hand to deal the death blow to its jugular, he glanced up at blue eyes, blue eyes filled with terror and pain. his hand swung down, his claws starting to dig into soft flesh at its throat, when it dawned on him. blue eyes. blue.

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A hares race

With little effort she was on her feet again, and she looked at her helper's blue eyes that reflected her own image. " t-thanks.

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Ep3-Freeing the Chrysoprase Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

Hector brown the 19 year old bara tiger is the eldest of the group, he is a normal colored tiger with short white hair and blue eyes, and often uses his fists to fight with.

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