Room For 1 More

I color coded the writing and number it can be used as a bookmark. **in apple core town, two brother lycanrocs lived in a mountain in apple core woods. casio cheddar is the midnight form and damien cheddar who is the midday form.

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LAWT #13 ~ Upgrades [Perks Pt.2]

There were several organizer bins filled with colored bracelets, and a sign he pulled out which explained the color-coded meanings for each one. they indicated different types and levels of interest and consent. "i got a whole system."

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Meet the Black Stars; Draco's Story. Part I

The once wounded recruits got back up onto to their feet when their color coded vests turned off due to the match ending.

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The Price of Knowing

There was a long pause, daniel motioned for the group to press on and they did, but not without several of them checking their own data-pads to confirm that it did indeed have a colour code.

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"very well," she let go of their hands, dabbing at the corner of her eye for a moment before reaching into a pocket and producing several slender, dyed leather collars - the visual markers worn by on-duty staff to distinguish them beyond doubt, colour coded

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5 - Proposals in the Modern Day [Incomplete]

Papers were carefully and diligently stacked on her desk, each marked with color-coded strips to note their purpose and origin. darzarath eyed one specific folder, placed in the exact middle of the desk in front of her.

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Venturing: Sunnet Attack on Dates

So does anyone remembered the color code of every flare? and how to use it?" there was a wave of nods in response as natty grinned in acknowledgement before turning her back to us. she started heading out. them me, kyro and zander.

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Tmnt- Generations: chapter 2: time

All color coded as well. leo had blue, raph red, mikey orange, and donnie purple. they all smiled at the gifts "thanks april" leo said, but he was thinking about raph, which made things a little tense for him.

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Rebuilding my Race - Pt.1

The fanira's technology was remarkably similar to the kausis, reia could probably work most everything in the room if explained what their symbols and color code was.

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Friendly Science

He picked them up one by one, noting that each one was color coded and had something written on them. he ignored the other ones as he put them down, most of his attention on the blue coded one.

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381 The Nuclear Dance

There are a couple of dull red ones where parts of her vascular system are being patched, but most of the other color codes are being swept behind the enormous wave of purple.

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You Only Live 18 Times #10 (Spyjirra)

During her orientation she'd learned of the color-coded tags the argonians wore around their necks, indicating their duties. she tore her brown tag off. "recruit? what are you doing? put that tag back on!"

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