To Trap a Jailbird
She also loved poems, a passion she inherited from her mother, which is how she caught the lady's attention. at the time she only knew simple traditional ones but she could now read a little and had a wider repertoire.
I Will Protect You - Part 3 - A Summer to Forget
Cummings for the lovely poem "anyone lived in a pretty how town" also thanks to my readers! without you, i would not have written anything.
The Rich and The Poor Part 8
Perhaps a love poem or maybe truer words of love than mine. i hope my drawings didn't put him off, maybe he didn't like drawings or maybe chibi drawings. i think the next drawings should be more realistic and exactly like us!
Greener Pastures Chapter 5
When luke saw her he started reciting love poems dedicated to her. for a drunk he's quite good at professing his love through poems. i ended up sitting on a deck chair trying my hardest not to laugh. edna tried and tried to get him to quiet down.
Demigod Chronicles Chapter 1: Curse of the Sunken City
I'll try to behave myself sis though your one to talk when for a whole week we had the guys from apollo cabin reciting love poems to you outside of our cabin." he said with a grin.
Finding Home (Chapter 1-6)
I plan to write a love poem about you one day.", livius said with a smug grin on his face. "oh yeah? i thought you said you'd never write a love poem in your life." "well, maybe you'll be the one that makes me do it.
Covert Shadows
Whispers were exchanged like love poems, and some caused the other to blush. eyes dreamily gazed at each other as they connected into a serene kiss. reika moaned and groped aoki's back. her tails excitedly waved feeling him reciprocate.
Crushing on a Cheerleader
I'm no good at writing love poems." her ears lowered some and she bit her lip, looking down. "well..." i said, without really thinking "how about... 'your eyes make me blush, your laugh makes me smile.