The Countdown Begins

Perhaps those with post traumatic stress disorder may suffer similar symptoms, but... surely, what i went through alone would not be enough for me to come down with that. would it?

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Space Invaders VII: Origins

I think he called it 'post-traumatic stress disorder,' or some such thing. i didn't really understand it." "well, it may be a long time until you get your memory back, hunter. i can never leave your side until you do..." hunter laughed.

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Tales From Apartment 232-20: Deal With the Devil

It was the post traumatic stress disorder more than anything that had given me these afflictions. it was a true shame.

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Kayla: Green Vacation

She knew telling her stories was the best thing she could do, now that she was dreadingly mulling over the possibility that she was experiencing loose symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder; one of the plethora of things she researched at great lengths

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Astray - Week Six

"he has post-traumatic stress disorder, gary. his anxiety isn't rational.

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Astray - Week Three

You have post-traumatic stress disorder, nick. because of what that asshole did to you; because of all the bullshit you've been through. panic attacks are a part of that. it might be why you have trouble sleeping too. you're not crazy."

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05 - The Song of the Badger

He specialized in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in children. for the family, it was a joyful reunion with kong, the red chow.

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Lizards Live as Lizards Lie

It was post-traumatic stress disorder for the technical set. our fearless leader, having conceded his battle with crr hours ago, keeled over an empty terminal alongside the rest of us.

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