CH6 Imperium

"the red rose special operations unit. this is perhaps of greatest importance for if he involves the rest of the group then we could potentially have a coup d'état on our hands." "i see.

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Kurt: a Fun Night

operations but that was the least of his worries as he finally was givin a house and amber was moving in with him. but not before a vicious war with her parents as amber wanted to move in but her parents not allowing her.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining

He had been killed by a russian special operator in vietnam a couple of weeks ago, the same event that had gotten wyatt into the situation he was in now, whatever that might be. jack's death had rattled us all to our very cores.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 34

Somehow, somewhere along the line, they'd become veterans, the forming members of a now-official special operations group.

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Ch2 : Change of plans

What i just received is battle order from air force special operations command. we have to send support to afghanistan" my eyes flew wide open. i could feel my jaw slowly dropping down. everyone stands in shock.

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We'll Get It Out of You

He walked and walked, occasionally shoved between his shoulders, occasionally told to stop at what must've been a checkpoint or a door...all this he recognized by the feel of air over his furs, and pure instinct as a special operative for the alliance.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter4

If this was how special operatives always felt, then this contract was more than worth it. even if he didn't know who he was, he felt alive. he had a purpose. that was more than enough.

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Recoil: Chapter 5, Proposition

He grinned and stood, "i'm here to offer you placement in a special operations section of the us green barrae. you'd be our ace in the hole, our last resort against any given threat."



However, each input receiver of this ship's integrated radio was tuned to military frequencies, both the standard ones and some not-so-standard ones that jack didn't recognize, but which were coded with special operations identifiers.

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From the Journal of Dr. Artemis

Furthermore, it was demonstrated that they could use their bonding abilities to temporarily incapacitate even people who were not bonded to them, as evidenced in the effects they produced on a full platoon of highly-trained special operations troops

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Guardians: Chapter Three

If he was to befriend sain and become her mate, there's no telling what would happen since they were both in a special operations group. he looked at the insignias on the doors to the range, the green symbol of the guardian corps.

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The Feral Four File

special operations command this file is classified secret and is protected by the national secrets act.

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