Lakeside Park

He had the money but the prospect of going to watch another forgettable snoozefest of a movie seemed to him to be a waste of time especially considering the weather for that weekend was going to be perfect.

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In times long since past.

His attempts to kill himself show to be only a waste of time and money. they all failed with him waking up the next day with a headache. he even tried to shoot himself.

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Burdens - Chapter 68: Cascade

The fox argued that sitting around and playing games was a bit of a waste of time, but he understood: spending some time together was nice, and he appreciated it. their studies began once more, and this time it was a bit more intensive.

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The Human Species Ch.94 - Competence: Industry vs. Inferiority

What a waste of time. "get over it or sit here forever, it is up to you," i say while turning around, "i will not judge or force you to do anything. you have earned that much." not a single word as i leave. he must think i'm a pretty cold person...

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Changing With Time - Chapter One

You can't even protect yourself cause you're weak, you're a damn waste of time wench." the tears had finally begun to fall, her heart breaking even more if that was even possible. "fine then you jerk!

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What If Animals Could Talk

"oh, right, you always could, though i personally think all these words are a big waste of time. sniff a butt and you'll know all you need to know about a person." "three minutes," the set director said from somewhere.

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466 Snow and Wolves

On the way out she'd managed to be convinced of the benefits of several large tankards of mead herself, which combined with her irritation at the waste of time allowed her to distract herself from what was, in hindsight, the clearly worsening weather.

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Merge - 00 - Prologue

"a waste of time," kazar hissed loudly, the dark jaguar's claws scraping the black marble armrests. his voice then dropped in volume, "we already researched it. it means nothing. we require all of our considerable powers to slow the encroachment."

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

Where as everyone else found it boring and a waste of time, me and alex were like kids in a candy store. when we stepped off the bus, the smell of tar and grease filled our lungs. the other kids made gagging sounds and acted like they were choking.

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Continued Exchange, Part 7

A complete waste of time." scar didn't respond and for a moment, it looked like she was going to get away with it. but then, "what's that?" he asked. "what's what?" "that." he gestured to the coconut. "oh that...

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Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1

To support this sfww, there's a patreon: and a ko-fi at: "where are you going to start with this waste of time?" "now, now, no need to be pushy."

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A Bear's Needs: Mistake (Part 1 of 7)

"it's mostly a waste of time, but it's a company policy waste of time." i laughed again. "enjoy yourselves while you're here." even drunk, i could tell they were both a bit perturbed.

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