Chapter Twelve

"we get quite a few winter storms every year. it's been pretty mild so far!" des yelped as he was struck in the face with a flurry of snow. he promptly kicked some snow back at aidan in retaliation, which then quickly escalated into a play-fight.

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Forced Facial Servitude, Part 2

Previous carl has found a way to escape the brutal cold of a winter storm, but his respite comes at a price, in this sequel for thecosmicwolf33!

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Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 4

A bad early winter storm had made the already long trip to siberia even longer so he was stuck on the train for several more days, but it wasn't so bad anymore now that the german was awake.

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Secrets Ch. 12

Several excuses try to come to mind before i settle on the simplest, "well the winter storms we have had here make it hard to travel, plus i promised to teach you and your pack to read. that alone will take more than just one month to do properly."

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His First Chapter - Part Five

The winter storm had come. and in the cabin steven's laptop remained open to a blank document. the cursor blinking waiting for him to start the first chapter.

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Lone Wolf - Part Five

But mark my words," he said over the oncoming winter storm, "i'll be back, and they'll all get what they deserve." with that, he walked off into the blinding storm. nilu did not follow, but instead fell to her knees in tears.

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The Unintended Curse ch14

It was pretty much the truth, even though the captain was going to be staying in port until the winter storms out at sea had passed and the warmer weather would bring forth or start anew the fishing season as well as good sailing winds.

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The Abandoned Beach: Discovery

There was a bit of a chill breeze coming off the ocean than day, which was to be expected considering the island was about to be hit by the remnants of a winter storm, but that wasn't going to stop him from taking his daily walk along the beach.

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Intro to the Wonderbolts Initiative & your Flight Magic Primer

For reasons not fully explained, they do not suffer from wing icing in a winter storm or other similar conditions.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)

#36 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire last chapter: dawn stern and alex winter survived their hover vehicle accident and awoke in a lodge (without lady ursa) owned by a bizarre family where they rode out the winter storm.

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Surprise Packages (Commission for DCrest13)

\*\*** \<\> \<\> \<\> a frigid gust of a winter storm blew through the small apartment as the door quickly opened and slammed shut, with an almost indistinguishable figure in a parka

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Fifteen

"of course a winter storm is going to hit us when we're trying to cross to sirmiq!" complained one of the guards. i could overhear him over the roaring wind but it sounded as if he were a lot further than he really was. "we have such rotten luck!"

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