Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Commission for Rut)

After the first few months Henry discovered the positives of owning your own bar had outweighed the negatives. Sure his place was small and nearly off the map, but he was friendly and made his drinks strong and those alone had easily earned him a...

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Gods and Devils

The soft din of conversation, the sounds of various games on massive flat screens, the satisfying clack of a billiard ball colliding with another and the distinct chuff of cards being shuffled made the lounge the optimal atmosphere for a man to relax...

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Brothers: Chapter three, Interruptions

Lenka tossed and turned in the mess of sheets that was once his bed, The Rottweiler's body trying to wake him but his brain struggled against it. Soon, his body won the fight and with a lazy groan he dragged himself out of bed. Lenka yawned and looked...

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Sketch Story: Shy and Glowy

"So, uh..." The otter mumbled, his cheeks and ear tips burning as he gently wrung his glowing red ringed tail between his paws. He glared at the floor between his feet, his eyes trained on a particularly interesting spot on the carpet and trying not to...

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Sketch Story: Christmas 'Cheer'

The traditional holiday scents of pine and gingerbread and booze still lingered in the air as the huge Saint Bernard roused from his heavy sleep. The world seemed darker than normal, and his big ears felt unseasonably warm but with a short huff he...

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A Learning Experience

Dio couldn't stop himself, the massive polar bear letting out the hearty belly laugh, tears squeezing from his tightly shut eyes. His heavy and water color stained paw slapped the edge of his desk as he tried to contain himself but his laughter...

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Brothers: Chapter four, Forgive and Forget

Summer had come and gone and the chill of fall started to creep in. The first few weeks passed by quickly, the brother easily getting unpacked and comfortable in their new surroundings, soon settling in a loose routine. "97...98...99...100." Lenka...

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The Night We Shared, Ivalice Romance One

I could have claimed the night we shared together was a mistake, that is was the fault of to many spirits and too little self control, but as small whisper in the back of my ear told me I was not going to. He was just starting to stir in his sleep as I...

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Brothers: Chapter Five, He Ain't Heavy.

Lenka's toes curled tightly, his chest rising and falling with quiet pants while he kept a death grip on his sheets, doing his best not to make too much noise but, he couldn't keep in a few low grunts of joy. "J-Jurek."He said in a heavy whisper, his...

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Zen Head Butt

Loud, frustrated roars echoed through the normally peaceful river on the outskirts of Lumiose City. The roars were then followed by several expletives, then finally a loud crack. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Grumbled the Pangoro through bared...

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Wolf Team Building

"We should go campin'." Curt mused from around his pipe as he lounged close to the window, enjoying the sensation of the midday sun on his bare fur. "Fuck no." Grumbled Riley, a controller clutched firmly between his fingers as he watched their...

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Head in the Game

"Don't think I didn't notice you watchin' me least year." purred the jackal wide receiver, unlacing the front of his black and crimson football pants. Buck let a small sound slip from his lips, the fully geared and heavily built boar shifting in place...

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