The Rise Of Drunko, The Crime Fighting Hobo

It was a day like any day for Joe, the hobo; the sun was shining and the people were not throwing rocks at him this day. Not that they were doing it all the time, but the kids were relentless in their pursuits. But these days, there were back in...

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PAW I - Jackass - Part 3

He yelled as he yanked the lever, "wheres the booze!"

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Gran Blue Archipelagos: Chapter 4

_Chapter 4: His Name is Jack_ Zoey's mood was sullen for most of the evening after paying the visit to the Stained Totem. Neros watched her from afar as he ran the bar. Though he didn't show much concern physically, inwardly he felt a pang of regret...

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The Husky's Dilemna

The Husky's Dilemma The television blared loudly, The only interruption was the sound of ice, Clinking in a glass of whiskey. The husky grasped the drink In one paw he held the liquor, In the other the television remote. He was not...

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 30

Only the tickle of alcohol, a dry musk and, beneath those, his natural olfactory fingerprint left him. the same odors led into the apartment beyond his limp tail and his filthy, knotted fur.

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Dramophone 2

The bartender follows her gaze and chuckles. "Oh, well, now, that one's a little more in your price range, but if you want that good stuff, you got to be in the club, and I don't mean the anime club." Uma's whiskers twitch at that. "Ah, well, I'm...

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011 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.03

Of course none of this is alcoholic, but it's not meant to be, rather it's meant to amplify the alcohol already in your system by decimating your immune system temporarily. also it's good for you! kind of...

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008 - The World pt.07

You know who's bullshit? Friends, they're bullshit. Fuck these absolute losers. Butters storms into the kitchen and starts on the drinks they had prepared for everyone. Rum already!? Yeah fuck it, who cares? Double? Triple? Let's go. They didn't need...

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Dad's Friends

Your dad always had his friends over on Friday evenings. They'd sit in the garage, smoke, drink, and whine about their wives till midnight, when the commotion died down. Sometimes you'd peek through the door to watch them - they'd carelessly fling...

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Honorbound: a Tusk and Dross Inn Tale

((Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy and includes elements of violence, homosexuality, drinking and smoking. If you do not like these things, it's not my fault. If you end up liking these things after reading, then by all means, you're welcome.)) ...

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Wine Stains and Cigar Smoke

Story was done for notmarco []( ((disclaimer: contains elements of musk, hypnosis, mind control, piercings, alcohol, cigars, a truck, skunks, some slob and sex

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Aiden's *Trip* Home

Fuck you up pretty good if mixed with alcohol." he shook the bottle and it's fermented contents sloshed. "they've gotta work." bones looked the pill bottle over once more before handing it back.

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