Missing In Action - Chapter 3 - Bird On The Deck

Chapter 3 - Bird On The Deck Sadr City Outskirts Baghdad, Iraq 0754 Hours (Local Time) Lieutenant Frank Farrel, callsign: Scorpio, leant against the desert camouflaged HMMVW, a slight breeze making the fur on the back of the old...

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Missing In Action - Chapter 2 - And The Fox Would Trot

Chapter 2 - And The Fox Would Trot. Sadr City Outskirts Baghdad, Iraq 0710 Hours (Local Time) The thick black smoke column was now clearly visible, rising miles into the air. Hunter looked at the forms of people and anthros, going...

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Missing In Action - Chapter 1 : Shooting Hoops

Chapter 1 - Shooting Hoops U.S ARMY BASE - BASEPLATE CHARLIE (3rd Base) 20 Miles West of Baghdad, Iraq 0530 Hours (Local Time) The base was quite this particular morning. The only people out of their racks were an odd mix of officers,...

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Missing In Action - Chapter 4 - Marathon

(Just a quick note here, I've had this floating around for a while, just not uploaded. Bear with me, I had a massive case of a twitchy finger over the shift key. Long abandoned habbit. Anyway, Enjoy! ^^ ~A Fox) Chapter 4 - "Marathon" ...

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Chump Change

So anyway, I found this one lying about on the hard drive of my old PC I now use as a rental for gaming at the local LAN meets, figured I may as well post it. This was written in.... '07? If memory serves? Around there abouts anyway. Just a short tale...

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Pleasured Instincts

Within the deep of the woods, isolated from man and quite some distance from the cities and towns, bustling with two-legged's, a light breeze disturbed the resting trees and grass, making the ancient trees rustle with the soft motion of the wind. If...

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Overcoming Resistance Ch.2

Shadi was utterly silent as a very firm paw gripped her own, and she was tugged back down towards the cells. She had no words- no way to describe how utterly trapped and tangled she felt. Her legs locked briefly for a moment, which made the male...

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Overcoming Resistance

The gunfire on the surface was intensifying, streaks of tracers stitching across the smoke filled sky becoming more frequent and heavy as the battle for control of the planet began its final stages. It was a losing battle, one the rebelling sector...

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Scion and the Alpha - pt.4

The wind against Shadi's nethers was cold, and Isiat's seed dripping down her swollen slit didn't help her feel any warmer. Though being on a Dragon's back several hundred feet in the air didn't help much either. Scion's mighty wing beats only served...

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Pleasurable Instincts

The Vixen's large bushy tail flicked back and forth as she stayed crouched in the bushes, watching the solitary wolf as it chowed down on the deer it had tracked for the last two hours. She'd been taking careful notes in her ledger as she watched,...

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Presumed Instincts

Kaycey muttered angrily as she flipped through the instruction sheet provided with her latest prototype, flicking the pages with all the attention of a four year old while she swore under her breath. "Oh, it's the absolute latest in technology. What...

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The Desert - Re-visited Part 1

The blaring desert sun seemed to glare overhead, beating down without mercy or remorse on the already almost boiling sand below, the Egyptian summer as harsh in imagination as it was in reality. What little survived out here did so by staying close to...

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