Split Souls: Balance

There was relief and excitement as everyone gathered on the upper deck a short time later. The attack from three massive Glant had only ended up with two people hurt and only one of them was serious and she had already being attended to and moved into...

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Split Souls: Understanding

The tag F/Solo Masturbation is only accurate if you consider Cassie Solo. Jared was surprised how easy it was to get a room at the Rushlin Terrace considering it was one of the top hotels in the capital. They had asked a few simple questions and been...

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Torvik's Journal: Part two

Torvik hadn't had a restful nights sleep since his mother had passed away, and his troubled sleep had only gotten worse during the last two weeks constantly tossing or occasionally waking up. Tonight though it was far more troubled than any normal....

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Split Souls: Weaving

Jared was up early and freely wandering the house for the first time. He had spent the rest of the previous day in bed recovering. He had been given some strengthening magics and medication for a horrible headache but even with a full nights rest Jared...

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Split Souls: Cracking

Jared found himself being led down the deck on the river side of the house sometime later. "You will Always use a proper honorific to everyone within the house. Do not question or backtalk when you're told to do something, you can keep your opinion and...

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Split Souls: Trapped

Jared carefully drove down the street both amazed and worried that he had driven past the gate house with out even a nod from the guard inside. The homes in the area were what he would consider extravagant. Huge homes with ten foot bay windows that...

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Split Souls: Issues

Jared woke disoriented the next morning. He was outside, sitting down, and suddenly liquid was poured into his muzzle. His shock almost made Cassie spit out the hot sweet tea, as it was she did end up choking because he started to interfere. 'Sorry. I,...

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Mathew's plans Chapter two: Entertaining the Parents: part two

Carla woke the next morning just after nine cursing herself, it was Monday and both her and her husband Elroy had already called out from work today, but she had ment to be up early to make sure no more mistake were made by her children. Carla slipped...

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Mathew's Plans Chapter one: Takeing Sister

Mathew 15years old Male Feline white with several small black spots and patches 5'4" light but slightly muscular build. Ellen 13 year old Female Feline white with molted brown and black patches 4'9" slight slender build. Elroy 39 year old Male Feline...

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Mathew's plans Chapter two: Entertaining the parents: part one

Mathew's Plans Chapter two: Entertaining the parents Carla arrived home at dusk nearly 7pm, as she turned in to the driveway she noticed none of the house lights were on. Grumbling to herself, Mathew obviously had not started any dinner. She had...

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Split Souls: Standing Together

Lunch was held in a smaller hall within the palace and only family was admitted to discuss what was happening. Cassandra was sitting alone near the head of the table with a chair on each side empty. On her right around the corner sat the High Lord and...

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