Beating the Heat 0.3.5 (Pseudo-Complete Plaintext Version)

SECTION=StoryInfo Beating the Heat By interloper This is the "feature-complete" version of the story, ported from the AXMA Story Maker version, with all additions and revisions through the "complete" version 0.3.5. SECTION=NavigationNotes ...

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Beating the Heat: Put your hands between your legs and go for it

_(This is a continuation from Beating the Heat: Introduction. This choice was decided by commenters on the first story - check the comments at the bottom to see the options you can choose to continue from here.)_ Concluding that it probably makes more...

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Beating the Heat: Introduction

You - yes, you - are a catgirl (well, more of a young woman than an actual girl, but the term still fits). You're a relatively petite and pretty one, with bright green eyes, a cute muzzle with a pink nose, a coat of luxurious tawny fur with subtle...

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An Unconventional Arrangement

_(Note: This story arc follows the one detailed in "The Story of Cattanzo and Everyone Else." While it will be a complete story on its own and should eventually have enough explanation for new readers, for the complete background you may want to read...

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It was late in the morning in the middle of one particular week when things began to change. The day had begun like any other, and Freddie and the others were already halfway through one of their self-guided study sessions when a loud klaxon began...

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An Other World

_(Content Note: the sexual content in this story is primarily F/F, with fairly brief scenes of M/F and M/M. It is tagged with all to be on the safe side for those who filter content.)_ It's late afternoon on a warm spring day in Los Angeles, heading...

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Beyond the Lottery

All in all, it could be said that you had an average childhood, just like everyone else. You never knew your parents; your father was anonymous, as you would expect, and your mother had far more societally important things to do than take care of a...

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Super, if somewhat less than Heroic: A Mightygood Man Adventure

For Mightygood Man, it was time to wind down yet another perfect day. A day of being a superhero, of protecting citizens from all sort of pernicious threats, cuffing those threats soundly around the head and neck, delivering them gift-wrapped to the...

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The Boneheap, Part 8 - The Heat Club

No. That, ultimately, was the sentiment that her mind settled on, after a few moments of flashing between panic and desperation and lust and the most awful sort of feminine weakness that heat was capable of bringing about. She was sick of it all....

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Beating the Heat: Stay In

You decide to stay in and hope for the best, although by midday, you begin to regret the decision as your heat continues to develop, and the tingling develops into an aching need. Your mind, having little better to do, quickly drifts from thoughts of...

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The Assignment, Part 5: Settling In

As optimistic as I'd been that night about making things work, it wasn't as though a switch had been flipped overnight, and suddenly I was absolutely okay with everything, with being touched and snuggled all the time - and as much as I did want to make...

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The Assignment, Part 4: Getting Closer

"You... are kidding, right?" I looked back at Daledonne incredulously, gesturing with my hand at the long table and the dozens of Tiaileng already seated around it. Daledonne, though, only shook his head slightly. It wasn't the response I was looking...

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