Twilight Eros Prologue

Despite being at odds with the bakery owner, they had an arrangement that customers would get a discount at the bakery with proof of same day purchase from twilight books. it helped both stores bottom line in the long run.

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Awkward Whispers

Gideon worked his butt off today at the bakery. an order from that skunk came again, the one who ordered two dozen pies every month or so. he was also short an employee who was home with "senioritis" whatever that was.

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A Twisted Fate [1]

It wasn't a long trek to the bakery in question, perhaps a mile or so. with any luck, i could catch the manager before she left for the day. mrs.

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In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 17 Double Trouble

They talked for the remainder of their 15 minute coffee break and then left the bakery. i had always liked the cops that came into the bakery for their break, but these dogs where just evil.

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Sweet, sweet times

Custard's delight, which was the name of this probably abandoned bakery, wasn't familiar to him at all. wolf expected he could be a client of this branch, but it was probably the only one.

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The plain double doors to the back of the bakery creaked open and the two furs snuck inside before mike closed them again.

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Bigger than He Bargained For

The obese fox worked in his skivvies in the back of the bakery most of the day.

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Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 4 (BBW, Vore)

The bakery looked perfectly preserved. judy walked past nick to the bakery door. her ponderous ass bobbed in the wake of her pendulous hips. he snorted. "you're welcome." judy pulled open the door. inside, it was perfectly lit--not dark at all.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job

_jenny's bakery, some weeks ago... _ "give 'er another for me, eh squire?" the hyena chuckled as he left the bakery. humor had often played a pivotal role in tuck's business, or rather his self-appointed business.

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I Burned the Bridges to Heaven

From the first timers, the know-it-alls, the together forever but tomorrow forever ends groups all loved the bakery, and frankly delilah loved them.

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Hate and Faith Part 1

Tristan waved goodbye and exited the bakery. he made sure he was out of view of the bakery and began running. "i hope for my own sake i'm not late!" he shouted at himself.

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