Teaser for possible First Story.

As time went by humans made more amazing discovers, by 2033 humans discovered messages from outer space.

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A Fox Lost In the World

At the final year of my primary school life, i discovered i achieved nothing which well as most may discover this also, however i did pick up interest in a few things while attending.

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Be Somebody - Main Story

But they begin slowly discovering things about their surroundings and the strange place they occupy. they discover they have a connection to this place, an ability to affect change.

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chapter 10: books and maps

For days i been in the rock, but it's a cave that i had discover with the help though. the books, every day and every moment i read, i discover something new and .

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An incident at Clindale Preview

Their boat was discovered afloat with all clothing and personal effects including clothing, keys, wallets, and various expensive radar and searching equipment still aboard. the engine was still active when the boat was discovered.

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Estrasa's Tower: Prologue

This kobold, dee was the first to discover the book, but she did not just discover it alone. she discovered someone else, the descendant of a dragon.

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The Skin Cycle VI: A Wild Field

In a wild field, where you've left me to contemplate, but not discover what it was like, when we were alive.

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Dark Star

A week later, catacian police discovered the ship and contacted the galactic patrol fearing an attack. the crew was discovered unharmed, but the reports from the rescued crew were troubling.

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Project Godlike: Shifts in power

And just out of curiosity, you mentioned that gavin discovered an entire company, are you saying that the planet is still habitable?"** **"yes, the planet's bio-clensing was not effective."

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TMF-Ep5-Dreamy Awakenings-

Similar to the case with thomas awakening to his powers, harry and johnny had woken up during the middle of the night to discover their own powers. johnny had discovered he had water powers in which he could control it easily.

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Dead Fur

I have discovered what the cause of the disappearance of the crew of the sovereignty is. they were turned into whatever gibbs was. only gibbs was killed in the early stages of it.

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Hunter's Guild Database.

A phazon core on hellen'aht broke through the dimensional barrier and was discovered by the human population on the planet at the time, deep within the core they discovered pride, the first metroid known to mankind.

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