Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 15 (Show me the secrets of Love)

The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.** **no copyright infringement is intended.** **pokémon meets final fantasy 15 (show me the secrets of love)** ** ** the song that i will now

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Jacob’s Pinbar: Pokeblast

That is until several years ago when the owners of it decided to close their franchise in goldenrod city. afterwhich, the building was put up for sale after all the raticate cheese's branding was removed and everything inside the building was sold.

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Amy Rose's Futanari Journey 7

This story takes place 6+ years after standard timeline of the franchise posted using postybirb art is done by absolute hero: https://inkbunny.net/absolutehero "ah can't believe we were invited to an honest rock star's mansion!"

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Witchblade Fanfiction - Introduction

It's going to be based on the anime adaptation of the franchise, but with less of a heart to it and more of a smut focus.

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 01 — Prolog ( Reforged )

The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. no copyright infringement is intended. the same goes for used music and those lyrics.

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chapter 2

He still loved the franchise and meant to play it someday himself. he sat down next to danny and watched him play. "hey give me some space man!" "excuse me? you're in my bed, either get out of here or deal with it." "ugh!


A Firefighter to the rescue - 01 - Prolog

The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. no copyright infringement is intended. same goes for used music and those lyrics.

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What Universe am I In??? Chapter: 0 (intro)

Disclamer: i do not own the star trek franchise, or any of the tv or movie characters. but i do own my fictional characters i create, do not use unless i give you permission. legal stuff: don't read if you are under 18. or just don't get caught.

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A Bird and a Dragon - Chapter 1

Digimon is owned by bandai, namco bandai games, and any other company who owns the rights to the franchise. this is merely fandom at work. **! warning !** this story contains content not suitable for ages under 18. **you have been warned!

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Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 21 - Bright Eyes

The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.** **no copyright infringement is intended.** music text written and sang by art garfunkel if i´m hurting some copyrights then i´m sorry.

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Army Recruitment

Disclaimer: don't own the digimon franchise. just the story here. a few beings in the trees have been watching their target for a while now.

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I feel bad, it was a big deal that mark mologan was the first mouse on the flyer's team in franchise history. he has faced way too much prejudice from fans and fellow players.

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