Chapter 40: Warm Friendship
Taomon suggested and lunge toward the ogremons followed by the rest. the ogremons readied their stance for the income attacks. zane lunge faster among others because of his serpent body and tackle one of the ogremons.
3 ways to kill a Leomon
ogremon teased him as he moved his hips. leomon grabbed ogremon's hips and helped him with the movement. both males grunted in pleasure as they reached their climaxes. ogremon loved the feeling of the thick cock inside of his ass.
My Furry Valentine Ch. 2
This fight continued on for a good five minutes, where every time ogremon would slash at silver, silver would gracefully block his attack. and whenever silver made a move, ogremon would block her counterattack.
Vengeance Set 4 (16-20)
This kick sends ogremon flying across the yard. with the same unnatural speed nathan warps over to ogremon. he grabs his face and head butts him. which cracks ogremon's skull. ogremon: what power! nathan: never! come! near! renamon! again!
Digi-Gear Conversion
Where he went and why has been on ogremon's mind for the past few days, during which this whole search has been going on. each day ogremon looks through the forest, and each day he leaves empty-handed.
Die Tücken des Dschungels
, fragte ogremon das andere erbost als dieses zu ihm kam, auf die knie ging und um vergebung bat.
Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #1
Renamon was shocked by an impact to her side as another ogremon attacked her from behind. rika opened her eyes wide at the side of a second ogremon. "what! two of them?"
Axel & Rena Part 19 By: Renatamer
** **meanwhile, the ogremon were now in trouble. the third ogremon, the one who had only appeared a moment ago, had waited until the others had turned away before acting.
Chapter 39: Within Desperation Come a New Hope
The rest of the ogremons catch up with some exhaustion. "now it is payback time, fake." the ogremon ready to swing again and saw that vilvet closed her eyes bracing herself. al saw the ogremon is ready for another swing.
MagnaFlame Renamon 2
He knew that the blade was not real, but it was still pointy and he knew he would still hurt the ogremon. as his right hand gripped the staff ogremon bursts into the room, ramming the door off its hinges.
End Game - Chapter 11 - Crest of Despair
"ogremon!" she called. the green giant lumbered in front of them. "where is kari?" ogremon bowed. "she ran off in that direction mistress." motioning towards the forest. "what!?" gatomon backhanded ogremon's face. "why didn't you stop her?"
End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse
ogremon reached into his belt and pulled out two disks. "these where locked in ladydevimon's safe. i think gatomon brought them back with her." ogremon handed them to izzy. izzy looked at the disks and smiled. "you are a genius, ogremon."