MLP-Sanrose- A New World

Chapter #4 The Pain Inside. "White ceiling... wait a second... i'm alive?", i shot up and looked around, seeing everything that was there before. except for a few horses that i saw in the other beds before were gone and replaced with new ones. i...

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Mewtwo and Lucario

I healed him and we've been living here ever since." i explained. "now you should get back to bed. you injuries still haven't healed. they say laughter is the best medicine. that's a lie. sleeping it off with proper treatment is."

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huaminty is one. Poem

I see their faces in my head, Can you see what I have. Can you feel there pain can you hear there screams? I feel it coming the storm, that will rip apart this society. The pain as the ideals are torn apart, written back together. The changes that...

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The 'Fate' of St. Ardyran

My newfound healing powers were not exclusive to just people. i found that i could also heal animals. several times during my journey, i would come across an animal who had fallen prey to a trap, but had managed to escape.

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Haunch Therapy (Vore Story)

Currently not wearing any pants; that is because haunch therapy involves the insertion of my patient into my cloaca, where they will be painlessly absorbed into my haunches and reassembled at a later date...the idea is that the patient gains the natural healing

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Aftermath! By the light Final Chapter.

Simeon remarked, getting up and stretching before shifting the privacy curtain to one side and slipping into the main healing hut where the fire pit was still smoking from the previous night's banked embers.

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Family Friction

She'll heal properly this time!"                 "that's the idea."                 anna was catching on. still, the anger in her voice made it quaver.  "why didn't you say that in the first place?"                

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Old Wounds Heal

(Please do not continue reading if you have a problem with Cross-Breeding, Bestiality, Impregnation, baby-killing, and real life in general. A lot has happened in the odd months that Cross has been in hiding. Kiiro has left...

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A Healing Heart: Preview

OK, so I'm gonna shoot for an ending where Mike doesn't end up crying. I'm in a somewhat better mood now, and I wanna break the trend. Not to say that this story will be all double rainbows and high fives, but... wait, a double rainbow...

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Windrider, Healing the Heart

As before, comments are appreciated and requested. Hope you enjoy it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continued from "The Escape..." ...

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Poem #59: Heal

~bhscorch "heal" is copyright ** ©** of brandon hauck (bhscorch)

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Butch's Healing Paws

Butch's Helping Paw It had been a long day at the office, Butch smiled as he helped his last client up off the couch with an extended paw. "I feel we are making some progress James, how about you?" The large grizzly asked while looking over the skunk...

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