Timely Complications (Chap18, Book8)

_ _evan nodded enthusiastically and put the ten dollars into johann's hand. with a grin, he used his thumb to close johann's hand into a fist. "stop being stubborn. that's a conservative trait, too.

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South Paw Subs (1)

This Is my first yiffy story... so tell me what you think of it. I hope to do some more in this series and any Suggestions would be great. For purposes of privacy and humbuggery the names in this story have been changed from those of the beings...

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Chapter 20: The Duchess of Gooseberry

johann held the rabbit in front of her, grasping the rabbit tightly by both arms. rita reached forward and pinched at the rabbit's white blouse. "you won't be needing any adornments in here." she nodded to johann.

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Final Approach (A1, B11, C19)

Rue looked over at evan and johann. "i appreciate the quick thinking, boys, but i'm feeling partial to reno's way." evan nodded in understanding. "i wasn't thinking. yeah, it's smart." evan and johann stepped away, giving rue and reno room.

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The New Alpha

"johann, grab him, you can use his muzzle." he turned to look at johann, but his beta was staring at him with widened eyes, a slight ring of white showing over the edges as he looked as if he were about to be sick.

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End Game (Book6, Chap20 + Epilogue)

They got evan and johann and i made a dash into an air vent. johann seemed particularly upset. said it was th' old north american grand justiciar. tha' guy is apparently perdy tough. the boys told the bad guys they were alone, so they were taken hostage.

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Shadow Dancer

"hekat-johannes does not wish for guest. you will return to your quarters. i will escort you."

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Spread Thin (A2, B2, C16 - FINALE)

Reno waved his hand in a gesture for johann to relax. "it was a private comment about topaz and vincent. just drop it." the ex-inspector noted that his white lie seemed to have put johann at ease. "okay. let's roll, you two."

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End of the Beginning (A1, B11, C24)

I will wake johann and evan. bring the others together." vincent reached up and took charlie's hands. he stepped back and released charlie's hands. "tamamo, i'm married."

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"you shall always have a place at my side, johannes." he seemed lost in thought, though i could have sworn i saw a slight crinkling around his eye which often indicated when he was smiling as he continued sipping his rum.

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Dragonheart Part 80

johanne stormed furiously without any warning on arcade. "no, wait," cried noah, even after her, but her sword was already on him. "how easy it is to make you mad." thought the arcade and took his sword ready for defense.

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Drachenherz Teil 80

Wütend stürmte johanne ohne jede vorwarnung auf arcade zu. "nein, warte!", schrie noah ihr noch hinterher, doch ihr schwert war bereits auf ihn gerichtet.

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