
pyro's red eyes blinked. "i smell ... something." "smell what?" "something. furs ... and stuff." "furs and stuff?" pyro repeated (with all innocence). "mm.

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Chapter 7: The New Beginning part I

As zack looked over to pyro, he noticed that pyro was white as a sheet. "pyro? hey what's going on?" "!" but before zack understood what pyro meant, he (pyro) exploded in a shower of pure energy.

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Take Comfort Now

(and dotna still not knowing, for pyro had never told her ... that, in that mirror universe, pyro's mate had been none other than assumpta ... but that was a different assumpta than the one here ... but, still, pyro had told neither femme about that part of

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3.4 - No Hiding Place

Assumpta's eyes, while not having pyro's overall versatility, were better equipped for regular night vision. she could see into the shadows. she was about to motion for pyro when a drop of fluid landed on her uniform. on her shoulder.

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A Million Parachutes

And whatever it was that pyro thought he knew or ... claimed to know ... " ... i don't understand why you can't forgive me. i've never done anything to you." pyro's ears, cocked, listened. but he said nothing.

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Big Changes Part 6

I think it is demeaning to the woman who dose it" pyros said looking at the floor "oh pyros," sera said crawling over to his head and taking it in her hands, "its only degrading

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Extinguishing Cold Fires

"he tried to hurt her," pyro whispered. hugging dotna protectively. assumpta, standing behind adelaide, met pyro's eyes ... and gave a tiny nod. pyro, at first, gave no motion back, but ... eventually ... returned the nod.

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3.3 - Blood and Smoke

pyro, now entrenched in the doorway, said, "she's right. field, come on. there are more wasps in the caves. we can't hang around." assumpta, who standing behind pyro, began to squint and look behind her.

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Luminous 4.4 - Mixed Signals

They were small enough to fit perfectly in his paws, pyro remembered. it was difficult to not take the offer. "i... i really don't think that this is a good idea," said pyro gently.

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Sepia-Hued Dangers

pyro gently teased, giving field a wink. field giggled, stepped to the back of the bridge, and nearer the lift ... and pyro followed. the lift doors open and field, with his shy, quiet voice, said, "shuttle-bay."

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