Place Your Bets - By Nathan Iverson

On a particular decrepit and tarnished street, high above the ground in a single studio apartment, sat a young, extremely undernourished man on an old dirty mattress covered in stains limited only by the imagination.

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Off Leash Chapter 1

Black sedan, tarnished silver letters on the trunk spelled out "sable." common sense finally lit up my brain, and i sought out the license plate number. i stared at those white numbers as the car raced away, not a single number registering in memory.

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Prologue - Army of One

There was one mask, however, that he refused to place inside the bag along with the others; almost as if he were worried it would corrupt and tarnish the others inside

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Day 3) Sin

tarnish it and i'll show you fear beyond what mortals can fathom." the goat chuckled softly. vice's eyes moved from the goat to the monster in front of him. without further instruction the dragon moved over the beast.

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Harry Potter and the Loki Ring

Hermione observed as she reached over and lifted the ring off the stone figures head, instantly the ring dulled into a plain old tarnished silver ring.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 8

Her diamond gaze intently evaluated every inch of the tarnished jewelry, especially focusing on the new, shabby red color of blood.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 2

Resting at the bottom of the fountain a tarnished, without its usual shine and dirty golden bracelet only confirmed this.

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Fate Of Ank\'Nal : The Beginning

Andrew was wearing a pair of used jeans with a small tarnished white camisole which matched his short brown hairs.

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SPQR- Chapter 1

They were dressed in their silver armor, though it had become tarnished through years of battles.

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The Two Brass Rings (part one)

Bending down the tiger picked up a very dull and tarnished brass ring. rick noticed what it was and immediately turned toward jake with a horrible glare. grady could only smile as he stood back up again.

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As Life Goes On : Chapter One

Once again, the shaft of blinding light pierces the veil of shadow throughout the tavern, only tarnished by the floating dust passing through the light, becoming visable to the naked eye.

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W+P/F=D (Wolf and Panther over Fox equals drool)

Someone as classy as myself wouldn't tarnish his reputation with a tag like liar or rumour spreader." in all truthfulness, he wasn't upset by wolf asking him to not tell anyone. he could see in his eyes that wolf really loved fox.

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