Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 2 - Fox's Peril and Fang's Departure

"the aparoids were pure evil and they deserved it." "yes but what about those of innocence, those that got in the way, those how didn't see you coming. all those bodies must lie quite heavily on your conscience."

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Slippy's confession

They had just saved the universe from the aparoids, a group of insects who wanted to take over every living and non living thing there was. luckily peppy had escaped in some sort of big great fox ship.

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9

"what about when you helped us save the lylat system from the aparoids!" asked fox. "that was different. there was no way to side with the aparoids. pigma tried, and look what happened to him.

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Chapter 3: The Calm Before The Storm

He knows what lylat has been through after his uncle's drama, not to mention the aparoids, and then saura coming apart."

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Krystals Nightmare

Krystal looked at fox and nodded yes before heading back to bed but little did she know her nightmare would probably be brought to reality for deep within the cold reaches of space the aparoids now made for corneria while back on mobius fang was comforting

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Confrontation I

But the vulpine made it a personal point after the aparoid wars to get to know any soldier he fought with. they deserved to have someone who cared about their lives.

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Chapter 12: Fighting Instincts

She replied the way she had replied to panther, back during the aparoid invasion. "only if i'm covering fox!" "har, har, har. okay, krystal. maybe tomorrow, then.

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Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 3 New anthros in the school

"a couple of years ago, aparoids swarmed in trying to take over all life as we know it." "we defeated them although we had a couple of sacrifices, general pepper was infected and wolf's team distracted the aparoids so we could defeat the queen."

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Star Fox Odium - Chapter 2

Like the aparoid?" "i.. i don't know," krystal had to say. she could remember the feel of the half-cybernetic monsters, the yawning, soul-gnawing hunger from the queen, the thirst that wouldn't ever be sated - "no. not like the aparoid.

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Starfox - Exclusive

#7 of star fox krystal and the starfox team have fallen on hard times after driving the aparoids out of the lylat system.

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Chapter 10: The Most Important Mission

You shot aparoids just fine. you are _good at it_, but this? what i did? it's different. you'll know if and when you're ready to learn." "i appreciate your willingness to teach me.

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Fangs New Job

Soon as fang was given a communicator he was sent to the stage area where several of the dancers were performing as a top was thrown onto his foot and the cheering got louder, some of the people in the club noticed fangs body that had some scars from the aparoid

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