Voracious Appetite

Peter looked anxiously down at his phone. Already twenty minutes late. Shit. What was the point of getting anxiety meds if they made him miss class? He looked around the small room nervously, sweating profusely. He had been the only one in...

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A Weekend Swim

"Just look away, alright? Especially you two!" Kyle said, only pretending to sound annoyed at his two friends. He really didn't think Glenn or Liam would look at him naked. But, they were into dudes, after all. One could never be too careful! ...

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Thrashing about the Lake

I don't know what compelled me to take a walk to the waterfront at almost midnight. It wasn't normally something I did, especially not while on vacation. Though, it had been extremely humid in the cottage and I just couldn't get to sleep that night. I...

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A Jolt of Reality

Waking up from a deep, groggy sleep, Tyler took a moment to judge his surroundings as he slowly came to. The last thing he recalled was being harassed by Team Rocket with the usual threats of having his Pokemon taken. He'd wanted to fight, but before...

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To Be King (Preview Version)

A pungent smell greeted my nostrils as I began to stir unconsciously. I twitched for a moment, trying to get away from the repugnant odor. I desperately wanted to drift back into the peaceful sleep I'd been having but the nauseating scent...

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The Final Ritual

It had all started as a bit of harmless fun. Those who partook in the ritual were a group of college students, members of a non-campus affiliated occult club. During their regular meetings, they frequently engaged in fake rituals, finding solace...

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Ignorance is Udder Bliss

A strange, persistent bloating sensation left Sorez unable to concentrate on the lecture. Not that microbiology was interesting on the best of days. But, today, no matter how much he rubbed his belly, he couldn't seem to get rid of it. He didn't want...

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One Eye of the Tiger

The blaring buzzer caused Josh to rise and rush down to answer his door before the postman left. Feeling excited to see his lover's name on the return address, Josh hurriedly opened his package to see what his boyfriend had sent to him. Having not seen...

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You Little Stinker (Or, Getting Skunked at the Card Table)

Tyler was barely able to contain his excitement as his car pulled up at the casino. Having turned 21 only three days ago, he was finally of age to gamble in person. He'd become a fan of online Texas hold-em for quite some time, and it was a dream of...

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A Chance at Rehabilitation in a Post Pandemic World

Mark Today was the day. I had been waiting with impatience for what felt like an eternity, knowing that it could not come soon enough. Yet, now that it was finally upon me, I couldn't help but be overcome with the real terror that the procedure...

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Bowser's Revenge

With a look of determination on his face, Nat perused the familiar used game shop's shelves. He came here at least once a month, hoping to find one of the rare titles he sought. It was wishful thinking on his part to come across such exclusive games,...

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Jack(assing) Off

Geoff stared at the small, cardboard box with trepidation, wondering if he'd dare open it. He really should; with the amount that it had set him back financially, he'd be a fool not to use it. But a part of him, a more rational part, was a little put...

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