Kobold Kaos - Completion

"Just let me check one more time if everything's ready." Nys looked around. At a glance the anaconda could tell all the assembled kobolds were correct. They had gotten themselves comfortable, sprawled out all over...

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BIGAMY? Bigger ME.

Nix lounged on a deck chair, the hefty ram reclining next to his husband on the next chair over. His body was close to clean-shorn, revealing the brown and white mottling of his hide on his flanks. His hair however, was left long, dark red strands...

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Escape Womb

Seen found the last of the spots on the waiver she had to sign. The otter didn't recognize half of the terms on the short stack of sheets, but the boys were all signing them fine. Ray was mid-blathering,...

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Kassidy panted heavily. The ringtail was slumped backwards on his couch, shoulders braced against the rear cushion. His chin was slumped to his chest and his hips were nearly coming off the front of the seat. As he...

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Maternity Mall

"And then he doesn't even say it!" Pickra tossed his balled-up popcorn bag into one of the bins outside of the cineplex. "It was in the previews and everything!" The big cat was wearing a comfortable tank top and...

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Securing the Stoat

Kobalt was having a hard time keeping focus with Cody tugging on his ear. The eight-inch-tall stoat was bouncing in place on the buckaroo's shoulder as the pair of them neared the front of the line. "C'mon c'mon...

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Scoop N’ Twirl

Often Hershel opted to sit on the ground, for a few reasons. One, most of the furnishings in the Belfry Bookstore were not scaled to his draconic figure. Two, with the girth of his thighs, anything more than a couple cushions...

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Eye-Catching Addition

Sidi was in bed, a common thing for the fluffy black cat. Less common was their company. After their first few dates, Kelle had started sleeping over at the feline's house. Xie had the covers pushed up and off them,...

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Joined at the Hip

Tizak had his knees bent in a crouch, both hind claws braced onto one of Ash's thighs. The tiny kobold had managed to stuff about half of his much larger friend's arousal into his body, and didn't seem like he was...

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Predscape Travel Blog - Ozy

I feel the beat in my core, my very essence. Everyone in the club is moving to it, writhing and pressing against each other, some leaping, others gyrating. It's the deepest I've been so far, but my endurance is...

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It's Drooling...

Trench bit his lip. The muscular dragon was half-sprawled on a futon couch with one leg laid out and the other foot set on the floor. He lowered a claw and ground the heel of his palm into the flat groin of his grey cargo pants. There was that feeling....

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Caudle fidgeted in place, the bat's tall ears lightly flushed in tune with his cheeks. The slender bookseller cleared his throat. "Are you sure about this, Hershey?" Hershel was laying on his back in the...

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