Growing Into Herself
**Growing Into Herself** _By Dragonien_ "You're quitting the team? Why?!" The female fox had paused halfway through pulling her bra back on, staring over at the cheetah girl getting dressed beside her. " I've just... been going through some things...
Vying for Attention
**Vying For Attention** _By Dragonien_ _ _ "Beach ready and on the prowl!" the cerulean-tinted hyena all-but purred under her breath. She made no attempt at modesty or subtlety as she strolled her way from the pier's parking lot...
Dog Toys
**Dog Toys** _By Dragonien_ _ _ "Sir, satellite is picking up another event. Levels are spiking... category 1... category 2... Event has settled as an upper-tier category 2. Estimated size is 150 ft." The voice joined two others...
Unnoticed Under Foot
**Unnoticed Under Foot** _By Dragonien_ _Crap crap crap crap!_ _ _ This was the curse repeated in Mekuto's head as he ran for his life. The striped, purple wahsune desperately pumped his legs in an attempt to get just a little bit...
Stroll Through the Moonlight
**Stroll Through the Moonlight** _By Dragonien_ _ _ _ _ An ominous roll of thunder in the distance gave voice to the threat of rain and storms. A faint crackle of blue sparked across the distant sky as if Mother Nature were flashing...
The Original One
**The Original One** _By Dragonien_ "Arc, hurry up with my coffee!" The barking demand came from the heavyset arcanine in one of the dozens of cubicles lining the office floor. In response to his shout, a clattering and heavy thumping...
Morning Glory
**Morning Glory** _By Dragonien_ Thud. Thud. Thud. Bread groaned into his pillow; refusing to open his eyes. He didn't know what time it was all he knew was that it was far too early. Yet as desperately as he tried to forced himself...
Divine Musings
**Divine Musings** _By Dragonien_ _ _ I never would have imagined I'd end up dating a god. Then again who in their right mind would? Can you imagine trying to explain that to your friends? "Oh hey Greg hey Tyler this is my boyfriend. He's...
Slowly Seduced by A Size-Shifter
**Slowly Seduced by A Size-Shifter** _By Dragonien_ "Dun dun... " Locks of brown hair shifted as Rory swung his head around looking for the source of the voice. "Dun dun... " Again the voice repeated. As Rory swung his head to the...
Quantum Nonsense
**Quantum Nonsense** _By Dragonien_ _ _ "For the last time that's not how black holes work! That's not how anything works! You can't just put quantum in the name of things and expect to screw with the laws of physics!" Colin all but...
Fantasy Made Real
**Fantasy Made Real** _By Dragonien_ "Come on there's no way it's real." "I mean, what if it was though?" "Then I'd gladly suck your dick for you to shoot me with it. But dude there's no way it's real." "What's the...
Failed Binding
Copyright © [2021] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...