Skyrim: The Argonian Chronicles

And yes, i got past the dragon, and after journeying through the catacombs of the city, entered the wide open spaces of skyrim.

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Rat Dungeon Crawl: Act 1: Chapter 1

In the lowest level of the catacombs there is a box. it is made of ebony wood and fixed with bands of iron and marked with the letter 'u'. go down, retrieved it and bring it to the surface without opening it. i will pay you 2000 gold."

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Dragon Overlord, 1 | by Draconicon

Some of it was the original loot of the catacombs itself, while most of it was the loot dropped by those adventurers that had tried and failed to reach the center of the underground maze.

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The Depravity of Dragons 1: Starting the Cycle

Some of it was the original loot of the catacombs itself, while most of it was the loot dropped by those adventurers that had tried and failed to reach the center of the underground maze.

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All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)

The craggy cliffs above the distant catacombs below and the narrow, dusty, burnt-yellow sand, jutted menacingly above the bright turquoise sea that lapped the stark lifeless sands of the beaches of this world.

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Discovery in the living room

I want to be buried in the catacombs next to the remains of george. will you do that for me rommel. he agreed. the next day she pulled out an old album of photos.

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Spyro: Dark Master Armies against Dragons Part 1

She looked so peaceful...during the years frozen up in the catacombs, she had grown from her small self into this tall beautiful dragon. her leathery wings were no longer shrimpy, her body had lengthened, her snout narrower.


Elvira and Seth - Chapter 8

However, we will turn before and change the catacomb. this is not where the right entrance is either. it's on the other side and further back. therefore, we can move here without coming into contact with the dead," anubis explained.

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The Ring

A few braver souls would explore the catacombs, and they would all swear they heard faint echoing moans, screams, begging, and sobbing. whispers in the dark, with the source never found.

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Dragon's Deep

The catacombs were gone, replaced by something that was old, tacky, and decaying. looking around the place i supposed one could call it a bedroom, at one point long in the past.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 42

Then after cleaning and packing the tools we'd used back into the supply crate, we locked said crate and made our way out of the kelutral catacomb.

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Pandemoinum : Story 1

"what were you doing in those catacombs? you knew how dangerous they were, didn't you?" mirei fell quiet for a moment as her gaze came back to the river before her. "i was just looking for some treasure.

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