Star Fox: First Contact - Mission V

Truly, as of late with star fox not having any missions to speak of, the cerinian vixen had been very eager in perhaps taking some time off of her schedule to see about dating.

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Chapter 21: Marcus

"doctor, on my world, cerinian fathers were always at their bondmate's side when they gave birth. somehow, their mental presence helped the mother through her labor pains." "how so?" "i...i do not know.

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One of a Kind

"of all the cerinians to have survived, the most beautiful of flowers was perfectly preserved." he said at a distance, entering. krystal looked back to see the beast eyeing her. "you monster! release me now, or else," krystal stood against drakor.

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Zero Point: Chapter 13- Poles Apart

Maloc was one of a handful of cerinians who owned a hoverbike. she rode with him occasionally, to the point where he had bought her a used flightsuit to use as protective gear.

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SF: TDF Chapter 3

It is akin to that of what a cerinian has." fox's eyes widened. "a cerinian? but they weren't a technologically-advanced species, were they?" peppy shook her head.

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Zero Point: Chapter 8- Extraction

"i see that the cerinian i seek is not yet dead. if you give her to me, i will let you live. if not..." scales left the threat lingering in the air, a malicious grin crossing his features.

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Krystal's initiation

Krystal took out her old cerinian staff. the very last thing that remains of her home planet... she firmly gripped the handle and walked out of the bushes.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 5

cerinians, as a naturally psychic species, were rather open about their sexuality - after all, when you could read each others' minds, what was the point in keeping your desires pent up and secret?

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Lovin' A Felin Chapter 9

"i honestly don't know," the part cerinian replied. "all i know is that i got a destress call from the station. there might not have been enough time to explain why."

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Lost Dark

"my friend nik gave me a glove that can transport it's user from one dimension to another through a power known as a 'cerinian portal'. i don't know where it's gone..." "calm down, i'll find out."

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Star Fox Lost Adventures: An Orgy...OF DESTINY!

"as i was saying, i've found the presense of another cerinian. or multiples, i suppose. somehow, the combined spirit, the psychic presense, of my people has wandered the universe looking for me.

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Starfox Adventures: Mystery of Dinosaur Planet CH3

Could it maybe be another surviving cerinian? maybe someone who knows what happened to her people? "where did he go?"

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