Population Control 5 - Immigration Reform

The parents and citizens of the village cursed the wretched city that was only partially hidden behind the shimmering blue force field that kept the contagion which killed nearly everyone that lived there years ago from them.

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09 History of the World Part Fur

The contagion has spread all over the world to every primate." doctor nusiea didn't look up from the report he was reading behind the president's desk. "how is that possible?" the president leaned on the desk.

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Dinner in Ponyville

Don't touch him; he might have some sort of alien contagion or something." all the ponies in the room, even the only human, gave spike a confused look that literally said what reno vocalised. "kid, what the fuck are you on?"

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Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 5

To use our respective talents to achieve great things but one day....pempton showed me an idea he'd been working on which had terrifying military purposes, a way to combine seemingly benign and innocent naturally growing bacteria into a deadly biological contagion

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Echoes Chapter 6

"jack, there is definitely something going on here, some kind of contagion spreading that is causing acts of violence among the population.

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Furry Anthro Virus (FAVi) Part 5 - Resistance [TF Story]

A new contagion spread quickly across the infected vanguard - excitement. it was time to hunt... ### resistance safehouse " **hey guys~ did'ya miss us??**" keith roared as his sights snapped onto chase.

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The Thing Among Us: Part 2

She felt herself pinned to the floor, and soon, they were exchanging saliva once more in that deep kiss, no matter how inadvisable it might have been with a possible contagion going around the base.

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Rat's Revolution: Rodent Rebirth

Back in vincent's new lab, he had isolated an anomaly in the rodent contagion that allowed for the creation of master rat hybrids similar to himself and kayla, albeit weaker.

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Altar of Haruk'ha

It's not long before his body is made into a bestial altar unto haruk'ha and he recruits men susceptible to to his gnollish contagion to rebuild his god's power, starting with his archeological rival.

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The Breeding Man 2

Any male child that was born to the public was recommended - really, all but required - to be kept isolated from everyone except their immediate family to reduce the risk of any further contagion from november-y.

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Bugging Out (7/10)

The captain had heard tales before of what they called plague ships, space freighters that harbored some sort of illness or other contagion on board that they knew nothing about.

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New Containment Protocol

"for now we can keep the parasite inside that area, it is our lab area for high risk contagions anyway so technically its serving its purpose.

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