More Then Just Friends lThe Dysfunctional Odditiesl

I'm cruel? cold?'' ''there must be something you care about... why else would you live if you felt nothing'' ''oh i feel things, just not as much as i should sense.''

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A final Christmas

Gemacht'' \*you make your self sound like a monster, it's war, someone has to die, and if that doesn't help then just think of someone that you consider did worse then you\* the answer was clear to raiskon, one person he considered was more selfish, more cruel

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More Then just Friends lAcsension to fearl

Congradulations! this series has survived 11 chapters! :3 I take pride in this obviously, there for todays tribute shall not go to Anyone famous whether online or in reality, but instead shall go to those that have read my series and enjoyed them. ...

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More then just friends lTale Of The Two Oklainsl

Sekhai pictured oklain as a cruel person, having an intrigue in bizarre dark things. sekhai imagined oklain like a stereotypical villain, but as he laid down on the table, he appeared only to be depressed, he appeared innocent.

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More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

Notes- Homophobics don't read, or you can stare at the computer screen and rip your eyes out, whatever works. The plot finally shall begin to pick up, faithful readers that read sense the first book you pwn!!! ^\_^, readers that never started from...

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More then just friends lAlcoholics and Gaysl

NOTES HOMOPHOBICS = GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE, Bla bla bla bla bla not of age bla bla bla bla bla, honestly I don't care if you read this or not...don't blame me if you get caught...I'm not gonna say the age limits, ITS JUST A BOOK.. I never did force...

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lMore Then just friendsl lSecrets and Revelationsl

NOTES-Yeah I know, I am nothing more but a perfect example of a living Paradox, redoing the same situation over and over again, or simply put a cliche? \*If your not 18 and view this, its most likely me to take the blame, don't be selfish? \*...

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lMore then just friendsl lHuskys and Foxesl

Notes- Aight! Another new installment!!! sadly the one which sort of strayed off plot \*but is fully relevant!!! you'll see!!!!\* was so far the best rated lol! aw well suppose it happens xD, if your not of age,you know what happens...not my fault...

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lMore then Just friendsl lMall conspiratorsl

NOTES- OK if I can take the time to write this you can read it...uh...please? lol ...seriously though, if your not of age, well im sure you all know im going to say something that means I can't fix that so i won't, but as usual I say this- if this...

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More then just friends lOmens and Paranoial

Notes-If your not 18 as usual I cannot stop you from going forward cause most chances you'll avoid this, there for I have a "Real" warning, if your not of age and you read this content I am not to be blamed, I don't recall me constantly forcing you to...

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lMore then just friendsl lApartment 648l

NOTES! ^\_^- Aight i suppose having a rocky beginning is better then having a rocky ending hopefully this series will escalate, also this chapter is longer \*YAY LONGER!\* so expect a disappointing cliffhanger most likely if your not 18 you'll...

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More then just friends... lDriving down memory lanel

A few notices Obviously if gay relationship's offend you then im not responsible for your actions, im not the one that clicked a story with something i didn't like. if your under the age of 18 you'll most likely ignore this and read on,if your in...

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