
Whom should document the meaning of the circles so that the people in the distant future may know the "good" meaning? if there must be documentation, there must be a review process.


Encyclopedia Kyruku - Forwards

This will be the third revision of that document, and so much has changed since i first set out upon this ambitious project.

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Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

Note: this was an old journal of mine but i will be transferring those documents to this folder for better organization.


A Bronze Rising: Sir Drakling

Thus there were documents to be crafted and information about tobias' past bent and fabricated altogether.

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Runaway: Chapter 1: The End...

Continuance to read this document, acknowledges that you are allowed to read this document in your place of orign, that you are of legal age to read it, and that you take responsibility for having read this document.

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Six: Event Horizon)

"eva, translate the documents downloaded from this ship to english and bring a few of the documents up," johnson said. "translating...translating...translation complete," eva stated. a document appeared on johnson's hud.

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The Nightclub (Free Public Preview)

[]( above is the link to the free preview of the story.

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6.1 - To Anger the Shadow

I mean, these documents only got here a couple days ago..." "indeed, and as soon as i was informed i came here as fast as possible." she said, waving a dismissive hand to the historian. she was here for the documents, not for chatting.

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NCSI 09 - Striped Back (WIP)

Content warning: dom/sub bdsm (i say that like these are warning-appropriate, when they're possibly vanilla kink in this day & age) [](

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NCSI05 - Eureka! - Part 1


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NCSI05 - Eureka! - Part 2


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