The Tale of Rikama (Working Title)

Both factions were decimated quickly, and a cease-fire was negotiated, as both factions struggled to replenish their ranks. the russi, predictably, found their method first. using flash-cloning, they produced meat shields, to bolster their army.

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Sonic Waves (Espio 1)- Lotus

Three factions to be dealt with. with nowhere else to go and no battle calling for me i decided to pick up my own and attempt to regrow the petals of my lotus flower.

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GTU: The next phase

A splinter faction human. sat on his bed in a high security secret head quarters of the human splinter faction known as the liberators, a group taking a stand against what they feel is injustice in world. they where the ones who killed dr.

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Tremor City Primer 1

#3 of bios a short primer explaining some of the major events in my supehero setting and some of the factions in the latter.

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Life Here After - Prologue

One faction containing those responsible for creating the animal problem while the other compiled rumors of humans with abnormal abilities caused by irradiation or genetic manipulation.

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The War Of Elements. Back Story. (The Beginning Of All Things.)

The factions had split into three. that which wanted to give freedom to all creatures. that which thought that everything belonged to the highbourne, slave drivers. and those which thought that this world deserved to no longer exist.

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Team Argos Meanwhile 1

Just because the various factions didn't get along, didn't mean they needed to blow each other up, did it? and with the number of factions, it became confusing who was on whose side. one day this faction might be aligned with this other one.

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Project Tiamat- Prologue

Many of these ships carried the prejudices of the pure earth faction with them, hunting down and destroying any anthro ship they found. but not all were this hateful.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 58: On This Day In History... (While She Was Away Part Four)

Each faction promised a return of individual freedoms, liberties and stability in order to increase their membership._ "what were the factions again?" i asked the display. _glad you asked.

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Six Paths - Edward Part 1

There are some that every kouja celebrates, but most fall under one of the three factions.

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Yule Night on Planet Tiki

Now this ship of the pirate faction of the survivors of zu is bearing down on the missionary hell bent on revenge.

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The Oldest Son

Finally...after two years. Its the third chapter of my story. Sorry it took so long...I hope its at least somewhat worth the wait. This is a gay incest story involving two lions, a father and son pair of lions. If you don't like these themes don't...

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