The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP1

To their surprise a planet was in sight of the fleet. caddel was for once clueless of where the fleet ended up, "lieutenant, where are we?"


Change of Perspective Page 26

The other fleet which is kept off the network to meet up and strike the old machine fleet together.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 18

"_third fleet, this is fleet admiral chase, thirteenth fleet.

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**Galaxy at War** (Rouli Campign) Transmission:1 Hymns of Battle

Yet even with there guns in a proper position for fleet to fleet combat, there guns just could not handle the advanced new mars class force fields that the canada fleet possessed. "may the phoenix help us." joren said under his breath.

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Chapter 2

His command boomed out across the defense fleet.

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John Dragoon Al's memorial

His first ship he was giving command was called savor along with the fleet he was in charge of, the thirty first fleet. during battle with one of the offending nations to the upa his entire fleet was destroyed and most of his ship.

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Crimson Sands

Garen said indicating the seat across from him which fleet took. "so, where should i start?" garen asked. "anywhere is fine." fleet replied. "very well, i take it you know why you are here?" "enlighten me?"

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The first twelve hours

I pointed at myself, "you're looking at the fleet commander. don't worry, you can keep your old job." "you? you cant run the fleet, you're just a lieutenant." he said trying to sit up but failing to do so.

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

Of refugee fleets to evade galladia's overwhelming fleet. 170 aa â€" galladia arrives at atlantia to find that is abandoned.

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Project Godlike: New enemies, the Arbodu

Now the ucsc space fleet had gained an additional 53 war ships to add to its diminishing fleet of 65 ships for a total of 118.

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Halo: Left Behind, Chapter 2: Nothing Stays the Same

He did everything that he could and then was forced to wait as the small fleet of monolithic ships closed in. far out of maximum range of their guns, the alien fleet stopped and floated in silent space.

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The Dawn of our Age - Teaser - 1

"patch me to the fleet, lieutenant." "aye," the comms officer replied as he tapped some buttons on the halloscreen. "command override, combat protocol engaged. you're patched in to the fleet." "now hear this. this is captain townsend.

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