Drakensang Prologue

- we're back in the normal space; ftl drive off-line! - responded helm officer jurgen steinbach, trying to read information on the blinking holo-screen - core containment procedures are in effect.

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Gurdians Downfall: Chapter 3: It Gets Even Better!

A new hull breach, a part of the hull would tear off due to the stress that the worm hole would cause, and the ftl drives where beginning to overheat meaning that they would have to exit the worm hole soon enough.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 12

Yet, it quickly vanished after capisa initiated ftl towards a nearby supply depot some light years away from the station.

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The Beloved Pet Ch3

He talked in detail about how his species had spread throughout the centuri cluster with the use of primitive ftl star-ships and had even visited the planets of the my solar system, with the exception of earth.

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The Ashryth And The Scourge: A Stellaris AAR

A breakthrough came with a new ftl method becoming available. jump drives literally tore the fabric of space and time apart to effectively move ships in a manner that put the best versions of all three other, 'normal' ftl systems to shame.

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Shadow Stalkers Cross over pt6

Everything from estimated beam, mass, maximum drive output, weapons, shields, ftl unit right down to the hull composition.

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The Ravenous

His thoughts felt brighter and clearer now as he drank from the energy leaking from those experimental ftl drives. an insignificant amount. and as the gnoll prepared to fight, the cheetah remembered.

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Captured Classified Proposal

However, the xdf mothership uses far more effective ftl drives than those currently available to us, apparently capable of outrunning any other human craft.

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Captured Classified Proposal

However, the xdf mothership uses far more effective ftl drives than those currently available to us, apparently capable of outrunning any other human craft.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 1: Making History

"we'll be travelling for the first time solely via long distance ftl beacons! travelling faster than the kestrel? that's an opportunity i wouldn't want to miss!" "yeah, i wouldn't either," laughed carlos.

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The Latest Job Pt 1

"lucky, power up the ftl, we're getting out of here! fafnir, do what you can with the missiles" the _fund_ had no weapons, but she did have a powerful ecm suite. fafnir nodded.

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Chapter 5

ftl kicked in, another zpd by the way i felt it in my chest, and we were en-route. i hoped we didn't get to where we were going. we landed just outside a modern estate.

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