Scy and the Inbo
scy groaned in pleasurable pain. scy looked down. he was about half way down. scy grinned, impressed. scy went back up again and back down. it felt as if scy's ass was going to be split into two. that's what scy liked about big cocks.
Double Weakness
scy also sees him. "... nico!" the flygon states. nico nods a bit. "hello ela, scy..." he says. "what's up, nico?" scy asks. "i came to talk with you, scy..." nico replies, seeming a bit forlorn.
A Friendship Cumulates
This causes scy to tighten his own hug. strife pulls back for a second, making scy gasp and half-open his eyes. strife licks at his muzzle a few more times, then kisses him again, his paws gently rubbing around scy's back.
Double Weakness 2
scy just watches with a glazed-over stare, iggy looking back over his shoulder as he backs himself toward scy's member.
Reptilian Meet
scy's lips make a smacking sound as they come off of reptile's neck. "... what?" scy asks. reptile murrs and snickers as he turns around to face scy, dropping to his knees. "allow me." he says.
Bench over
sci blushed again, looking down and sighing "yeah..." alpha changed his happy expression for an annoyed one, wondering why sci, his fellow for life, looked worried and blushed, so he replied "is there something wrong, sci?"
The Codex Chapter 8: Puppetmaster
Darvo began to spin scy's rope, letting the short blade spin in the air while scy did the same with his long blade.
The Codex Chapter 2: Ambush
Darvo stood still and sighed "hey scy! did you forget?" scy turned around with questions.
Hazed (Vore Story)
- a quickie done for sci. when neil finds out his friend sci can respawn, he takes advantage of it pretty quickly... neil loved having tiny friends.
In Storm's Lair
* * * the end scy storm © me accelo © his player, used with permission ~ scy
The Codex Chapter 14: History
They saw how a woman was fighting darvo and scy after she killed jax. drawing out darvo's life by a dust spear before she nearly got killed by scy.
The Codex Chapter 6: The seal
scy said in surprise, his blades recoiling while a quick spin was made by the figure, landing another hit against scy's elbow. he leaped in while grabbing hold of both sticks again, pushing one forward to hit scy in the stomach.