The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine - Chapter Nine

He slashed through one more rotted that was standing in his way, before they made it out into the forest, and ran as fast as they could away from the rotted maze. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "what did you mean he's gone?"

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The arm was badly decomposed, and dull white bone stuck through the rotting skin where shrapnel or perhaps a bullet had shattered it.

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From Dungeons unto Dragons : A lycan\'s tale

A rotting smell emanated from beyond the pool of light; it was quickly followed by a hobbling figure. rags dotted its body. the hunch in its walk blocked its face.

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Part 12: The Succubus

The familiar scent of rot, blood, and dead limbs assaulted her sharp sense. the mare took a moment to adjust. afterward, she was met with the familiar sight of the factory.

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Die fordsetzung von Träme werden wah Goldenes Herz

Es sah aus wie mein penis nur in der farbe rot und es war auch um einiges länger als mein penis. seine glied länge schätzte ich auf gut 22 cm.

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Drekes und Juro Kapitel 2

Beide liefen wieder rot an und kicherten. juro nickte und lies seine unterhose im bett, als es dann zu drekes tappste. dabei wabbelte der harte pimmel von juro hin und her.

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Stone Mask (485 Words)

On the necklace hung countless bird skulls and rotting fingers, cut from foes. there was an eerie rattle as the winds licked at it. hanging by her side was a bulky-looking billhook.

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Dragon Story: Chapter 3

Scale rot is a horrific disease that had caused your scales to dull and to get soft, making you more vulnerable to damage. it also attacked the inner organs, like the lungs, and deteriorated them slowly and painfully.

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 10

Almost all of them had rotted at their sides from being void of movement. only small bits of tattered membrane was left, flight was impossible and from what she could guess, it was far from recoverable.

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Raining Love

Zack wurde rot. vor ungefähr einem monat hatte henry mal erwicht, wie er sich selbst befriedigt hatte. seit dem zog er ihn damit auf. "halt die klappe", sagte zack und boxte ihm auf die schulter.

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The Wilds Behind the Walls

No rust, no rot. it even had a shine to it as if polished. oliver grinned, this was not something many found and to be still intact. it was a preservation case.

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Animals (Starring Vasily)

A wave of stink hit him- unwashed clothes, rotting food and excrement, the place was an animal's den rather than a place to live. cursing, he shoved the door the rest of the way in, and searched- none within. nothing but rot and squalor.

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