Se cacher et attendre

La rue dans laquelle il se trouve est en bordure de la ville, tout près de la rivière. quand il voit ça, il se félicite d'avoir choisi cette rue et pas une autre en se sauvant.

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Old Wounds (Chapter6, Book8)

rue grinned. "yeah. you is. don't you go teleportin' upstairs. you're liable to kill yerself in a wall." "just one more glass." "a'ite, but i'm takin' you upstairs and puttin' yer ass to bed."

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Book 9 - Reflections of Fate (Chapter 1)

rue looked up, wearily, waiting for his eyes to focus in on the blur in the corner. everything slid into focus. he squinted, making out the face of a man. rue's mind raced, still groggy. the face belonged to a man rue knew in the past.

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Human Experimentation: Redux: The Fire Loves Fuel: P2

"doing what you told him to, rue!" her grin grew bigger and voice a little more cheerful, "he grabbed one of your vials, the 96z, made some mutants and is now also testing the cloning vats out for a spin."

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Let's Scout...?

rue turns his head to the door, perhaps riese will come in anytime now, but he doesn't. rue then looks back at me. "wonder when he'll be back..." i hear him faintly say.

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Within another's life (short story)

I just sat in the dark with rue as full dark filled the house, save from the moonlit light of the outside.

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Lucky Number 13, (Chap13, Book8)

But... that's pretty smart, rue. it didn't start happening until after us, right? be honest._' rue huffed in frustration. '_yes, it didn't start happening until after i left california. christ. i done got to go.

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Minutes to Impact (A1, B10, C23)

He and aris have been planning this shit for a_ long _time._" rue sighed. "yeah. i've got a bad feeling about everything. it's possible i won't be able to get back inna united states after the attacks.

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Alone (Book7, Chapter4)

rue grinned. "still at the old funeral home, right? cool hideout, isn't it? so ... you asleep?" kalen kincade replied with a groggy sigh. "me? asleep at this hour? no.

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Allusions of the Heart (A1, B10, C17)

rue shook his head. "haley, you gotta stop doing that. you're confusing him." haley froze. "wh- wait, what?" rue approached laura and haley. in a gentle voice, he said, "you're an animal attractor, ain't 'cha?" "i ... i guess.

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Storm on the Horizon (Chap19, Book8)

"rue. you're up." "i cain't believe..." she approached and put a finger on his lips. "believe it. so, you're friends with the new oracle? cybil thinks very highly of you, rue." he reached up and took her hand into his.

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Only Fools Rush In (C5, Act1, Book1)

"rue, you've had me lift a skip for one grubba, a tipper for another. you love when some bruce or sheila is gobsmacked. this mob wants to see something deadly.

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