Just Once: Subways are Bullshit
The german shepherd backed away, and albus said "the ones that made you fucking hold a taser to my nuts and back me against a wall.
01 Shadowfox Null
The taser popped, sounding like a toy. she stepped into the bridge, continuing her sweep as the taser crackled softly.
Odd Dog (part 1)
Jamming her taser into yuri's pussy, raisa shocks the "freak fucker" to remind her as to who is in charge. in the passing weeks this pattern becomes routine.
A Beneficial Deal: To the Edge of Rupture
"my personal defense taser. that looked painful everything still there?" asked sophie poking her curled up brother. he could only groan painfully in response as his testicles felt like they were on fire. "i'm sure everything is still down there.
Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 10
I had the shark suit on and the taser in my hand and one foot out the door just in case.
Hope and Dreams part 22
He took the moment of squall's shock at a failed hit to tackle him again, knocking the taser from his paw.
A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 6
With a vicious gagged roar, the wolf bounced the mink, slamming phyllis into the wall, and wrestling for control of the taser. whether it was from surprise or alex's strength, the wolf won, shoving it against phyllis's neck.
Extra Work Required -1
"taser!" the metal spikes caught the brute's bare chest and transmitted thousands of volts of electricity into his body, causing every muscle in the convict's body to seize up.
The Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 5, The Apocalypse, Part A
"a situation similar to mine, obviously." she explained, taking off her lab coat and setting it, along with the taser on the floor, "now come." and she headed for the door. "where?" ty questioned.
Dog Cracking
Leaving the hot coffee on the table, he dashed over and grabbed his taser gun. he was ready to catch a burglar! taser in hand he stalked the corridors, tiptoeing around and watching behind every corner.
Dog Cracking
Leaving the hot coffee on the table, he dashed over and grabbed his taser gun. he was ready to catch a burglar! taser in hand he stalked the corridors, tiptoeing around and watching behind every corner.
Mental Break
"actually, you were laughing loudly, you punched security and nearly strangled him to death even though you were being tasered. you don't sound the same as you did."