Chapter 2 – A Vixen’s Telepathic Powers

Pressing her forehead against his, she opened her telepathy fully, projecting her love for her vulpine directly into his mind.

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Chapter 1 – For the Love of a Vixen

"by the time of the aparoid war, krystal and i were just starting to become close, and i was getting comfortable with her telepathy, but i could never fully open up to her.

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A Dragons Love Story

I had growled a bit feeling her lips wrap around the tip of my member and begin a light suck upon it as she opened her mind, knowing dragons have telepathy so she could hear my words more easily.

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Venom, Episode 1

Blackness. An infinite sea of blackness. That is what defines my existence. Nothingness. No sensation, no memory. Then suddenly I long for the emptiness again as my entire existence becomes pain. My body is wracked by spasms, everything hurts....

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\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING - This chapter contains references to sex and homosexuality. Any who would be insulted or disgusted...

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Omega Kinetic Prime

_Steph, do we have the new generators in place? Or is the kid still working on it?_ Steph's voice filtered into his mind lightly. _He's almost got them up and running. He has to wire them into the system, but he's telling me that he should have...

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Oracle: The Dream

This was truly the worst day in the wolf's life. Not only was his beloved instrument, the same one which he had found deep in the cave, deemed unfit and destroyed by the Priests for cultural advancement, but his very faith in the Solar federation had...

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A Story For Leena (Dawn Epilogue)

A Story for Leena (Dawn Epilogue) Mediteral. _"Daddy? Is that you?" Spoke a lost sounding little gryphon girl standing in a field of clouds. Her sky blue sundress blended in perfectly. A larger gryphon appeared dressed in soldier gear....

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Tale of the Reader Pt. 5

Here's the next chapter, enjoy. As usual, please comment and correct anything you see wrong. Like I said, I want to get better at this. Beep....Beep....Beep....Beep....Beep... I moaned quietly, squirming a little in the bed....

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Wolves of Hope: Freedom Trails

I know this seriously sucks, but I wrote it in my senior year and it was my first story. The teacher also wanted it to be very specific on looks so I wasn't very creative when introducing things and all the characters are kind of similar and balnd in...

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Song of the Sauia Chapter 4

Judith woke up the next morning feeling much cooler. Looks like the world had finally had enough of this heat. Judith gets up from her bed and goes over to the window. The sun was shinning and those darn faens chirping and a nice breeze blew into her...

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To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Six: Scorched Earth

Six: Scorched Earth Rialla hated being lost. Once again, her horse shied to one side when the Veporligh's bright violet light shifted through azure to a vivid green, the cliffs rising to either side of the overgrown trail appearing to sprout...

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