Halo: RODST (Chapter Two: Welcome to the Lost System, Recon.)

One is a what we call a supply pod, which as the name says delivers whatever supplies an rodst needs, and the other is a vehicle drop pod, again like the names says it delivers vehicles to the field.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7

His inner thoughts instinctively understood, but all coherancy was lost as the rpg exploded against the side of the vehicle.

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Ninth entry

A shrill screech tears the occupants from their hope as a small drone bursts onto the road from the forest next to them and starts chasing the vehicle like crazy.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 64: The World Right Now (The Consortium For Mutual Coexistence Part One)

The vehicle's thief still behind the wheel. "any ideas?" i asked turning to her. my lady bear looked at me. "i think the vehicle's owner would like to get her red convertible back with as little damage as possible."

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JUXTAPOSITION Ch. 10 - I'm Coming Benji!

Could it be the prison vehicle he was searching was right there in front of him? he sneaked over to the parked vehicle, ears flat against his head, wary of any persons that might be around.

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The boy leans in closer, wide eyed, as the vehicle accelerates fearlessly towards the building.

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Experiment 261 Chapter 8

That allowed the long, slender automated number place and vehicle recognition camera mounted above the lights on the top of the police vehicle to identify the offender quickly. this often proved invaluable when backup was needed.

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Just Eating a Car

The screeching of warping metal and fiberglass seemed muffled by the walls of undulating, saliva slickened flesh surrounding the vehicle.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Thirteen

**lgb:** laser-guided bomb **lsv:** light strike vehicle, a general term used to describe a general type and class of vehicle derived from dune-buggy type vehicles, characterised by their welded tubular metal frames, light armament and armour, all terrain

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He was still breathing, but cuts and bruises covered his body, obviously from the vehicle hitting him. taking off hir jacket, shi wrapped him up in it then picked him up, shi carried him to the vehicle and placed him in the rear seat.

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Chapter 9: Three’s a Crowd

She stood to her feet and covered her eyes as the vehicle exploded, sending vehicle fragments everywhere. shirlene stood there motionless as the vehicle's remains melted under the heat. "i-i'm sorry kid . . . i failed you."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 18: The Threat Of Tomorrow (Conclusion)

"then you vehicle will do. working vehicles are in short supply." the road warrior said producing a red bobble on a string. he swung it back and forth and back and forth in front of the three of us. "nice isn't it?

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