Remembrance - Part 4

He had often wondered why the hibernation pods were located on the ring with artificial gravity while those who were awake were forced to sleep in the low gravity environment, a situation that seemed to actually be the reverse of what he would have expected

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 31

That, coupled with pandora's low gravity, was what accounted for the immense height of each hometree.

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STar Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 4

The low gravity made even the smallest of jumps turn into mighty bounds. he was still getting used to that. he'd had more practice at walking, so proceeding from there was only slightly awkward.

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Garret's Journey

They were drilling for more ice and planting new crops of parsnips, which loved the low gravity and sandy soil they were exposed to. they grew like weeds, and happily fed many the hungry mouth.

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Sexual Shorts

"its a good thing the ship as low gravity, that thing is heavier then it looks." the rabbit smiled batting her eye lashes. "oh i know your very strong, i'll be sure to call you if i need to move it again."

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Torpedo Run - Chapter 1

"condoms don't handle the dehydrated low-gravity environment on board ships well, corporal. they tend to get brittle and crack." corporal lerr glanced at her from the tablet, which he was reading over, and shrugged.

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Destiny: A Bond In The Void

In the low gravity of the moon they fell lazily back to the ground, easy enough to sidestep or let his shield deflect.

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The low gravity was horrible for my digestion, and you hated not seeing the sky. but no," arden slid into the chair next to him, "we looked for a long time before finding this place.

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The Void part 2

//////// the grey fox returned with two steaming cups, padding in as gently as he could, having managed to go through life without ever mastering the art of carrying hot beverages, and the low gravity wasn't doing much to help things either

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part II

Venusians lacked the trademark stocky jovian build from spending a good portions of their lives in low-gravity terraforming efforts, but otherwise came close to what terran's had looked like before the quarantine of earth.

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A Tale of Two Species - Foundation

James gingerly leapt the meter or so distance between their two flowers, still unused to acrobatics in the low gravity environment.

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