A Small Fee

This was supposed to be a short story to just try out a new style of writing that i wanted to try but it ended up going a little further than just a short story. As usual comments and critisms are welcome, seeing as this is a new way of writing i want...

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Titan's Championship League Pre-Season Story

Officer Howell sipped his coffee and looked out at the road. It was a ribbon of brightness reflecting the twilight sky between the darkness of the forest on either side. Normally, he would have been just fine pulling this detail out in the middle of...

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Evil Genius - Ch. 2

He rubbed his paws together with a childish glee as he stood before the door. To him, it felt as if he were a child and inside the next room was where the surprise party was going to be held and there'd be cake, ice cream and presents. He could barely...

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Obligatory content warning: this story contains sexual acts between two males, size differences, and ridiculously unlikely fantasy fulfillment.

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Canidae Memories

Canidae Memories Novel [WIP] By darkmaster03 October 31 2014                   Prologue                   There is another world out there of which I dream. A world in which my memories are so vivid that I have to write them down. I write this for...

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Disintegration: Chapter 4

Wet. Cold. Alone. These three words best described Sasha's situation. She found herself in some sort of dark container with water going up to her waist. A cocktail of emotions swirled in the woman's mind as her entire world shifted, and she was...

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Disintegration: Chapter 3

"How pathetic." Following these words, Ishtar took a closer look at the human she was holding. A few details immediately caught her attention. Firstly, her captive showed the typical physical characteristics of a human female. Secondly, the small...

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The Ultramarine Outsider

"you do realize such implications, let alone the size differences, do you not?" ivinth asked, leaning his head down once more. he could already feel his lust rearing its head just at the thought of slaking his desires.

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Tale 9-5 - The Worst Stomach Ache Ever

The sand was hot. It scorched the uncovered paws of a blue dragon standing before a simple stage erected on the beach, but he didn't care. He simply continued to bob his head in time with the music, ignoring the pain searing his soles. Those were...

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Kinktober 2018 Day 23 - Scars

What an excellent addition to my collection you turned out to be. To think, the lone wanderer, the grim swordsman, turned out to be a woman, and a beautiful one at that. What's the matter, do these delicate scars of you make you uncomfortable? Do you...

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Good news, bad news (foxtaur/cat femme smut)

**Good news, bad news** By Strega "No magic," the gul said, and lowered the enchanted spyglass. If you didn't know the trick it was exactly that, a spyglass, but if you spoke the command word it also showed glows where magic items, spells and other...

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Draconic Giantess Twofer

**Story # 1** Saph saw herself in her dream, a darker shape amongst the dark of the bedroom. Something moved, skittering over her bare midsection and moving up toward her face. She saw and felt herself tossing and turning as if she were halfway out...

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