Cattle Drive

The shadows were fading quickly as the night was burned away by the rising sun. Within the retreating darkness was a stream of floating smoke as black as the night itself. It fluttered and shifted with a speed that was unnatural for any sort of smoke...

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Part 1: Step Into The Ring

All star fox related characters and locations are (c) to nintendo commissioned by story is (c) to me, wild rumble part 1: step into the ring written by: zylen andel commissioned by: tokeki the ride was shaky and the landing wasn't the best, but feeling

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Turing The Tables

He caught it and looked at it, reading out loud, "andel's handel, where your fantasies come to life." there was a number under the name and ian grinned, more excited now than he had ever been at the end of one of his hypnotizing sessions.

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Life In Vedox- Buyer Satisfaction

**buyer satisfaction** **written by: zylen andel** **supported by: my awesome patrons** the air in the ventilation shaft was still and quiet, allowing the avian hybrid inside the metallic shaft to hear the movements of the guards on the floor beneath him

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The Power of Eight

Initial characters made between zylen andel and myself, but the dinos are all me, and of course the series is written by zylen, go and vote on his copies as well and enjoy his other stories too.

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Fetish Tales Sexy Examples

The stories are (c) to me, zylen andel **sexy ideas** omari & zylen- ovipositor "okay i called apollo. he's on his way." for the first time in a very long time, omari koller spoke with worry in his voice. "g...good."

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A Heavy Package

"Of course, father! I will not fail you!" Tatanka relayed the message with a firm tone that spoke to his sense of duty. He was asked to do a task and he was going to do it! "I know you won't let me down, boy. You never have. I'll see you later." The...

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Continuing Lessons

**continued lessons** written by: zylen andel commissioned by: leokronos123 (cephus) darkness greeted zylen as he opened his eyes. he surveyed the bedroom and smiled warmly as he remembered whose bed he was sharing.

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Fun in the Mall

Unfortunately, zylen andel is having some personal issues so the series will probably be on hold for a little while, but i'll be sure to continue it at some point.

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Dinosauria- Chapter 9- Breaking Habits

The scents that filled Armaseth's flared nostrils filled him with pride as he took a deep sniff of the room. Bodies of staff and team members alike littered the floor, cum and sweat covering them in various degrees. The whole mansion had gotten in on...

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Dinosauria- Chapter 8- Team Training

"This place seems as good as any." Armaseth said, stretching his body after the hike it took to get to this secluded lake. All the staff members were at the mansion cleaning up while the team had gone with Armaseth. "Woo!" Ruby exclaimed as he sat on...

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Delivering the Message

The doors burst open in the saloon, drawing the eyes of everyone present. The rough and gruff crowd of gathered men looked at the newly arrived male with expressions ranging from indifference to contempt. Mostly an avian in firm, but a thick and strong...

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